Lottie first stay in the hospital

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It took Logan and Erin some time to recover from the shock of the little girls being diagnosed with Leukemia

"It looks like after Lottie gets out of the hospital we are going to Tennessee for the little girls" Logan says as he watches Lottie continue to fight the nurse with her bottle, but the nurse ended up winning after several battles

"At least we will be together as a family" Erin says as she leaves with the little girls to take them home for their nap, and to help them deal with this news

"Yeah and the guys will help us cause it will be hard to juggle the babies and the little girls while we are there" Logan says as he gets Lottie from the nurse cause Lottie spit out her bottle again after the nurse fed it to her

"Now to break the news to them as well which isn't going to be easy at all" Erin says when the nurse left the room with the bottle that Lottie barely drank from

"I'll have them come to the hospital tonight and I will break it to them that way" Logan says as he holds Lottie and tries to get her to calm down from the nurse that got her all upset

"I hope they are okay with it" Erin says as she finally leaves with the little girls

The little girls wanted to go back to daddy cause they wanted him to protect them

"This is going to be a fun especially with Lottie being in the hospital" he says to her

"Yeah I'm going to go get the other babies, so they can stay with you, and to keep their sister company cause you don't separate sisters like this" Erin says as she leaves to get the other babies

"You're right I'm not going to separate them" he says as he looks at the girls that was with them

After a while Logan had to feed Lottie again and this time she fought him with the bottle as always

"It's no use you won't eat at all" he says as he puts the bottle down on the table so he could hold her and make it all better for her right now she is completely miserable

"Daddy we scared" the little girls say to him

"I'm right here girls I know it's a lot to take in right now" he says as he tries to make room for all of them while he keeps Lottie happy cause she was still fussy a little bit

Logan was wishing that he could make all of his girls feel better right now cause he hated this part of the parenting puzzle

"Ah night Lottie girl" he says when he ses that she has fallen asleep in his arms

Logan places Lottie in her little crib and strokes her hair as she sleeps

"Daddy is going to be right back love he is going to take your sisters to meet mommy, so they can go home for a little bit" he says to the baby that was sleeping peacefully in her crib at the moment

Logan took the little girls to see Erin who had the other babies with her

"Lottie fell alseep, so i decided to step our for some air" he says to Erin

"Makes sense and these little cuties want you with all their heart" Erin says to him

'Well they got me for a few hours until I have to go back to stay with Lottie" he says as he leaves with 7 out of eight girls that he had with him

"Is tonight going to be a long night?" Erin asks him

"Yes it is going to be a long night with her cause they are going to try to get her to eat almost every hour when she is awake, and I do not know what they are going to do when she is asleep" he says as he leaves with the little girls to take them to the park to play for a little bit before returning to be with Lottie for the night

(Much later)

"It's okay Lottie daddy is right here" he says when he hears the baby girl cry out for him

"Sorry sir we are trying to feed her and she is putting up quite a fight right now" the nurse says as she tries to feed Lottie her bottle that night, and Lottie doesn't want it at all

"Come on Lottie eat for daddy sugar pie" he says as he takes her from the nurse, but the nurse takes her right back to feed her

"Good girl" the nurse says when Lottie takes the bottle like a good girl

Lottie spits it right back out a few seconds later as well as the formula that went in her

"I guess we have no choice but to put in a feeding tube, so she eats" the nurse says as she leaves the room to go tell the doctor that was on call that night that Lottie will need to have a feeding tube put in cause she is not tolerating her feeding like she should

"Come on Lottie you need to eat and gain weight, so you can come home" Logan says as he holds his daughter in his arms while the nurse was out of the room

"Logan what is going on with her?" Erin asks as she comes into the room with the babies and the little girls who were going to be staying with Lottie while she was in the hospital getting better and getting stronger

"The doctors are going to put a feeding tube in to help her eat cause when she eats she spits out the formula and doesn't want to take the formula in general" he says as he rocks Lotie in hia arms still, so she settles down on her own

"My god' Erin says to him

'I hope this helps her cause i hate to leave her behind while we are at St. Jude's with the little girls when they start their treatment" he says as the doctor and some nurses come in, so the feeding tube could be inserted into Lottie, so she can eat and gain weight like a good little girl

"Oh i can't watch" he says when the feeding tube was being inserted into his little girl cause he hated to see her like this 

Lottie put up quite a fight for the nurses and they had to hold her down, so it could be inserted into where it was going to need to go at the moment

"There we go is it in?" the doctor asks after the feeding tube was inserted into Lottie's throat

"It's in doctor" the nurse says to him

Lottie ends up spitting it back out cause she hated to have it in her nose at the moment

"Doctor you have to reinsert it cause she spit it back out" the nurse says to him

"Here we go again" the doctor says he gets ready to insert it into Lottie's body

Lottie kept taking it out with her arms, so the doctor had to put it in her belly area at the moment


"That should be better" The doctor says after he had it situated in where it was going to be at

"Okay Lottie try to eat for daddy sugar" Logan says as the nurse puts the formula in her feeding tube, so she could get some nutrients into her body, so she can gain weight and come back to join her sisters at home

"We are in for a long night" Erin says as sge settles in for the night

"Yes we are Erin" Logan says as he sits next to Lottie's bed

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