Logan's father's day with eight girls

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The older ones were excited for Father's Day that year cause they were going to make it special for him no matter what it may bring cause he stood by them through the whole journey. They had great news to tell daddy at the celebration that the hospital was giving for the ones who had fathers there to celebrate daddy's day with them, and the one's who had their Uncle's, grandpa's and other men figures in their life who were there with their mommies helping them 

"Logan wake up we got to get to the hospital early cause of the celebration that the hospital is doing for the girls, and I don't want to miss it at all" Erin says as she shakes him awake cause that day was pretty big for the girls cause she knew it was going to be good news for him and he needed to celebrate with his oldest daughters who were in the hospital still

"Okay, okay I'm up" he says as he gets up to head to the bathroom to get dress and put on one of the dad shirts that Erin got for him cause he had eight girls, so he needed eight dad shirts to wear when he was with his girls, and Erin had one made up with all eight of the girls names and what was unique about them cause they were special in their own little way, and he loved them for who they were and what they were going to become later in life cause he loved them with all his heart

Logan was glad that Erin made him coffee that morning cause he needed it with four babies starting to teeth it wasn't a pleasant night last night for the Henderson's cause they were up off and on through the night with the four babies who started cutting teeth all at the same time

"All of the babies are wide awake and are ready to spend time with you babe, and give you their presents" Erin says as she pushes the stroller that had the girls in to the hospital cause that morning the hospital had a big breakfast plan for the dad's, uncle's, grandpa's and all of the man figures that act like dad's in their lives, and that were helping them fight this disease that they had, and were spending time with them after they had their treatments

"Yeah they are and I'm glad to spend time with them as well. I can't wait to see how they are feeling as well" he says as he picks up Lottie cause she wanted to be held and not go in the stroller like a good little baby that morning. Logan was fine holding her

Logan was more then happy to get Lottie out and hold her in his arms like he always does when she didn't want to be with her sisters and she wanted daddy to hold her and spend some time with him cause she loved daddy with all her heart

"Is that better huh baby girl?" He asks as he holds her in his arms as they headed out and to the hospital that morning to see the older girls who were

"I think she is one happy camper that is for sure" Erin says as she pushes the other three into the hospital and into the lobby where all of the father figures were going to be honored at before they joined the sick kids for a special breakfast that morning, and then a fun day of activities and fun

"Kendall, James, Carlos what are you guys doing here?" Logan asks them when he sees them in the lobby of the hospital that morning

"We are here for the Father's Day activities that the hospital has going on cause it looks like this is one big blowout that they are throwing for the dads today, and all of the father figures that are here" Kendall says as he sees all of the dads and other father figures that were there

"I hear that there is going to be a carnival for the kids and food" James says to Logan

"Plus they are doing drawings as well" Carlos says to Logan

"Talk about fancy" Logan says as he gets his name tag on before he goes to see his girls that were dying to see him that morning on his morning

"I'm going to get a table for us" Erin says as she goes and looks for a table for everyone that was going to join them for breakfast that morning

"Okay I'm going to get the girls with the guys and we will be down soon I hope" Logan says as he heads up to the hospital rooms to get the other set of quads who were up and ready to be with daddy

All of the girls made daddy and their uncles something for Father's Day cause they thought of their uncles as their daddy too which the guys thought were very sweet of the little girls to do to make them feel special

"Thank you girls for the necklaces that you made us" Logan says as he admires his necklace that each of the girls made him to wear on his neck as well as the other gifts that they were able to make for him when they were done with their treatment that day and they didn't want to go to sleep like good little girls

"Welcome daddy" the quads tell him as the guys pull the wagon caravan down to breakfast that morning

The guys helped each of the little girls with their breakfast plate that they wanted to have that morning since the hospital had quite a spread that morning for the dads

"Okay girls I want you to finish what you have on your plate before you guys have a second helping" Logan says as he digs into his breakfast that he got when he went through with Hilary since she wanted to be with daddy that morning and Logan was okay with it

All of the girls nod as they start to eat their breakfast that morning. Logan was really proud cause the girls are everything on their plate and drank their juice

"Will all of the kids come up here to the stage cause we have a special Father's Day present to give to you dads" one of the hospital administrators says into the microphone to the crowd

The Henderson quads all got up to go onto the stage to stand with the other boys and girls who were apart of the celebration for their dads and the Uncles. Logan was glad when some of the kids were cancer free and were able to go home soon to their dads

"I have a good feeling that the girls have good news to tell you Logan" Kendall says as he whispers to his best friend who was waiting with baited breath to see what was going on with his girls

"I think so too no wonder my stomach is acting funny and I need to throw up with how bad my nerves are right now" Logan says as he waits to hear the good news on his daughters

"Hallie, Heaven, Hillary, and Hope Henderson are all cancer free, so their dad can take them home soon if he likes

When Logan heard that he cries tears of joy and happiness cause he got the best Father's Day gift ever from his girls and he couldn't ask for anything better then his girls being cancer free. He hopes that the girls cancer does come back ever again

"Girls that was the best Father's Day gift that I have ever gotten from you guys" he says to his girls cause he was beyond happy that the girls were cured and could come home to stay with him, and him and Erin could raise them to be the best girls in the whole world and treat their elders with respect as well

The girls were happy to see daddy happy that Father's Day

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The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora