Part 5

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Logan was going to pick up one of the two that was getting released cause the other one was not getting released until later on in the week as well cause the hospital wanted to monitor her as well cause there might be a chance she could test positive as well while she waited to be released to go home so they were going to take precautions with her and see about the others especially Evan cause with his heart he could get it again and not be able to recover from this at all so they have him separated from the others and he was recovering really good

"I can't believe two of my princesses get to come home today" he says as he was heading into the hospital to get them and he was going to bring them home and help them get readjusted to sleeping in their own beds and having their own bathroom somewhat cause the girls were sharing a bathroom a little bit

Logan was able to see who was coming home first and he was excited that Heaven and Hillary was coming home first cause those two were really close despite them being sisters they had this special bond that could not be broken at all either so having them home was going to be a blessing for everyone right now cause those two were two of the four that he found and he adopted after the babies of course and he felt sorry for Heaven cause she was going to be the special one of the girls as well

"Now to go up to their room and get them and then bring them home" he says as he heads up to their hospital room to get them so they could come home as well and they were going to get settled in in their own room and they did not have to oxygen on them 24/7 but they were going to need oxygen throughout the day once they are released and they will need breathing treatments as well to help them get over this sickness that they had and had to be in the hospital to recover from it cause it was not good either

Logan was on cloud nine as he headed up to the rooms to get the girls and see if they were ready to come home as well and he was going to take them to lunch once they were released from the hospital to come home cause it was a special day

"Hey girls once you girls are released we are going to get lunch and picnic outside while sitting in the van cause I don't want to risk anything with you girls right now, so I want to be safe and play it safe as well until you guys are completely cleared by your pediatrician in a few days cause they are going to want to see you girls then clear you girls back to your normal schedule and your normal routine as well and this is going to take you girls some time to recover from this" he says as the girls were getting changed so they could go and get lunch

Logan was going to take them to Mcdonalds and get them happy meals since they earned this special lunch and he was going to do this every time the kids were released and he was going to do it with the babies as well


Logan brought the wagon to the hospital so they could go home in style as well cause they needed to feel like princesses cause he was hoping that they will be better for trick or treat that was going to be coming up cause they were going to be going out with a mask on and they were going to have hand sanitizer on hand as they go around cause they should be better by then a little bit hopefully if all goes well and according to plan as well

"Time to bring the girls home" he says as he heads into the hospital to get the girls ad was going ot bring them home as well and was going to get them settled in their rooms caus ethat is where they were going to be

Part 6 next week

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now