Heading to St. Jude's on a plane take 2

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"GIrls stay with me cause we got to find your sister" he says to the little girls as they continued to go through the aiport searching for Hillary cause he had to get the little girls to St. Jude's, so the doctor's could save their lives

"Okay daddy" the other three say to him as they head out to the parking garage just in case Hillary was there in the bus

The other three were really scared as they headed to the bus to get their sister, so they could head to St. Jude's, so they could go through the treatment together like how it supposed to be

"Girls we will find Hillary and then we have to join the others" he says as he continues to head to the parking garage, so they could see if Hillary was there on the bus

Logan was really glad when they reached the bus cause he was going to see if Hillary was on the bus in her car seat

"Is she there daddy?" Hallie asks him

"I have to see princess" he says as he looks at where Hillary could be at on the bus

Logan opens the door, so he could actually search the bus for Hillary cause he was really worried about her

"Hillary there you are sweetie" he says when he sees her on the bus scared out of her little mind at the moment

Hillary was still hugging her stuffed animal as she sat in her car seat

"Princess it is going to be okay I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you I want you healthy" he says as he sits next to her on the bus while her sisters get in their car seats like good little girls

"I don't want to go daddy" Hillary says to him

Logan knew he had a dilemma on his hands with four little girls who had their own way of going about everything in their own way

"I don't know what to do now" he says as he lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding at the moment

Logan decided to call the others for advice cause he didn't want to take three girls to Tennessee while one stays home

"I'm calling mommy and your Uncles to see what I can do cause I see that this is going to be a bit of a problem with you girls" he says as he calls Erin to see what he could do cause all four were scared of going to get medicine to make them better

Logan was able to get a hold of the others and tell them what was going on with the girls right now at the moment cause he needed some advice to see what he could do at the moment with the girls since they were completely scared of going to the hospital and getting admitted to get medicine in them

"Logan just bring them here and we can do lots of fun stuff with them cause I am going to get them all registered into the system" Erin says to him as she gets the bags together, so they could head to St. Jude's and get settled in

'I will try my best with the girls cause right now I am not making no promises" Logan says to her

"The boys are coming back to help you cause wrangling four toddlers won't be easy for you" Erin says to him

"You ain't kidding they are giving me a hard time right now about leaving the bus" Logan says to her

"Just take them home and bond with them and the boys will join you later at the house, so yoi guys can come back to the airport later" Erin says to him

"I will I take it they are hungry, so I am thinking of taking a night flight, so they sleep through the flight tonight with us on board" Logan says to her

"Get them food them play and let them be kids and bring them back to the airport tonight once you rebook the flight" she says to him

"I will I will see when the next flight is and book it" he says to her

"Okay I will see you in a little bit" she says as she hangs up the phone after they got done talking

"Yeah see ya" he says to her as he talks to the girls a little bit

Logan told the girls that they were going to have some fun before they reboard the plane that night, and they were really happy about that. He wanted to be in their places right now, and do anyhting to take that part away from them

(Later that evening)

Logan and the guys arrived at the airport with all four of the girls getting ready to fall asleep at any moment cause Logan kept them up past their nap that way they would sleep the entire flight to St. Jude's

"Okay time to check-in with the girls animals and the dolls that we got when we went to the mall and everything" Logan says to the guys

"Yeah then we can board the flight with the sleeping girls" Kendall says as he holds Heaven who was holding her stuffed animal in her arms and her doll as well

James had Hallie and Carlos had Hope while Logan had Hillar, so he knew where she was

"Let's go guys" Logan says as they head towards their plane with the girls who were starting to fall asleep on who was holding them

Each of the guys had a blanket for the girls, so they could be kept warm the entire flight

"Can we hold the girls?" Logan asks the flight attendant 

"Absolutely" the flight attendant says to him as she checks the tickets, so the plane could take off that night

"The girls are fast asleep" James says as he looks at Logan cause the guys had first class to themselves that night

"Now to head to St. Jude's to get the girls better" Logan says as the plane taxi's and gets ready to take off

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