The girls meet the babies plus Christmas fun with 8 kids

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"While Uncle Kendall is assembling your guys beds do you girls want to meet your baby sisters?" Logan asks the two year olds

Hallie, Hannah, and Hillary nod

"I'll let Heaven down, and I'll go get them cause i think they woke up from their slumber" Logan says as he sets Heaven down on the couch for a bit

The other three followed him

"Since you girls are following me why don't i show you your room" he says as he shows them their bedroom

The girls were in aww when they saw how big it was and how much room that they had

"Later daddy is going to get you girls your names to go above your bed" he tells them when he sees them get comfortable in their new rooms

"Daddy I'm cold" Hallie tells Logan

"Me too" Hannah says

"Me three" Hillary says

"Luckily daddy got you girls housecoats to wear, so why don't we get a warm bath, and change out of these clothes" he says as he goes and gets the bag that had the jammies and the bag that had the house coats and slippers in

Logan draws them a nice warm bath in the huge tub that he had, and the three girls were dirty as could be. After the bath he put them in their warm jammies, and puts their housecoats on them

"There now you girls can meet you baby sisters cause i think they are up" he says when he hears crying coming from the big nursery where the babies were at

Logan goes to the nursery, and all four girls were up from their morning nap

"Hey girls daddy has three girls that he wants you to meet" he says as he enters the nursery

All four babies stopped crying when they heard daddy enter the nursery

"Hallie, Hannah, Hillary I present to you your baby sisters Alexis, Charlotte, Lily, and Leila

Hannah goes over to Lily's crib to peak in at her new baby sister

"Would you like to see her a little better?" Logan asks Hannah

Hannah nods

"Up we go big girl" he says as he lifts Hannah, so she could see Lily

Hannah strokes Lily hair and Lily coos at her big sister

"She like you guys let me get the babies out, so all of you can interact with them while I tend to Heaven" he says as he gets each of the babies out of their crib

All of the babies were wondering who were these girls that were in the room with their daddy

"Girls these are your big sisters Hallie, Hallie, and Hillary you have a fourth one downstairs right now she is sick her name is Heaven" he says to the babies

"Daddy who is this one?" Hannah asks him

"That is Lexi their names are above their cribs, so i put them in their area, so it is easier on you girls to get to their names cause sometimes it is hard to tell them apart. After you get to know them look at the color chart cause that is going help you girls learn your colors as well" he says as he goes down to heaven

Logan could hear the three girls interact and play with the babies upstairs in the nursery before he sees about Heaven

"Hey Heaven how are you feeling?" he asks her

"Yucky" she tells him

"That's okay daddy is going to give you some medicine to make you better, and later we can cuddle while your sisters are upstairs getting to know the babies

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now