Heaven is being bullied

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Okay after a long time it is time for this chapter to go up I hope you guys like it and enjoy it i love the feedback i get from every chapter and around the holidays i will start thinking about titles for the sequel

"Heaven sweetie aren't you suppose to be in your gym playing with all of your friends?" he asks as Carlos came in to workout with Logan a little bit since Alexa was with Erin and helping her get ready for the party that night which Logan had no idea yet about the birthday celebration that was in store for him later on in the evening

Heaven nods as she was sobbing lightly trying not to have Logan see that she was crying

"Heaven is there something that you ain't telling me princess?" he asks as he lift her chin up so they were seeing eye to eye as he was talking to her

She shakes her head no

"Heaven Celine are you lying to daddy?" he asks her cause he was starting to get a little mad cause eh didn't like it when his kids lied to him

She shakes her head no again

"Are you telling me the truth princess?" he asks her

She nods

"Something is bugging her Logan and she is keeping really quiet about it" Carlos says as he was looking at Logan cause he could see that Heaven was hiding it from daddy and she didn't want to tell him the truth of what was bugging her 

"I think so too and I am going to get to the bottom of this once and for all Carlos" Logan says as he was looking at Carlos cause he was determined to find out what was bugging little Heaven Henderson

"Logan i hate to say it i think she is being bullied and she is taking it like a big girl that she is" Carlos says as he was looking at Logan cause he could see that Heaven was being bullied and she did not want to tell mommy or daddy that she was being bullied

"Oh baby are you being bullied?" Logan asks as he was looking at Heaven after a while

She nods again as she was looking at daddy with her pretty eyes

"Oh baby it's going to be okay daddy will take care of this once and for all baby girl no one will hurt you ever" he says as he hugs her close as he went in search of the kids who were picking on Heaven cause she was different then the other kids at the gym, and he was going to see who was in charge and ask why did they let this happen to sweet Heaven who won't hurt a soul at all not even her siblings

"Plus your uncles are going to stay by you" Carlos says as he picks her up and holds her as Logan took her wheelchair out to the van cause she was going to be carried out by her uncles and by daddy

"Yeah we will sweet girl" James says as he came over to her and hugs her as well cause he loves her too

Logan came back after a while and they were going to leave the gym and go home cause Logan needed to call a band meeting cause he was not going to worry Erin over this at all cause she was close to delivering and she did not need this right now so he was going to talk to the guys and get their option on what he should do right now since Heaven was being picked on at school and at the gym as well

"Come on sweetie we are going home" Logan says as he carries her out of the gym and to the van so she could ride in her seat cause she has her car seat just in case she did not want to ride in her wheelchair at all

The guys guarded Logan cause no one was going to touch that little girl at all as they were leaving to go home

"Guys band meeting at my house in a few minutes" Logan says as he was putting Heaven in her car seat so they could go home

"Okay see you in a bit Logan" James says as he went to his car so he could head to Logan's house and see those girls and see them again cause he loved those girls the same

"Is Kendall coming?" Carlos asks him

"Yeah I am going to call him on the way home and when all of us are at the house we are going to think of what we are going to do to settle this cause i think she is getting bullied at school and her sisters are keeping quiet about it" Logan says as he got into the van to go home and get everything ready for the emergency band meeting to talk about Heaven cause if Logan drags Erin into this there is a chance that she could go into labor and Logan did not want that at all with her being so close to delivering the baby

Logan called Kendall as soon as he was pulling out of the gym and headed home to see the girls and everything and Kendall says that he was going to be there for the meeting, and they were going to see what they could do about Heaven and go to the school on Monday and talk to the principal and her teachers and see if she was being bullied at school and if she was they were going to call a conference with the kids parents who are picking on little Heaven cause she is different then most kids that go to that school cause Logan will not stand for bullying with his kids at all cause he was going to protect his girls full force and no one was going to mess with papa bear at all with his girls

"Okay now to discuss what we are going to do about this matter" Logan says as he was driving home from the gym that day with Heaven in her car seat crying up a storm

Logan was trying his hardest not to get mad in front of her and he was hiding his pain that he had felt for her since they left the gym to go home and he kept telling her that he loved her when she was thinking about killing her self

V & C

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