L.J arrives/Logan's Fantasy part 5 part 3

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Logan decided he was going to get up and walk a little bit and get water for Erin and call to check in on the girls and see how they were getting along as well and he was going to tell them that baby brother was going to be born and he will bring them to the hospital so they can meet baby brother and the older girls can maybe hold him as well cause they have gotten a lot of practice at changing, hold the baby as well as feeding the baby as well so they will be experts by the time their baby brother came and they are amazing helpers with their sisters and helping them out since they were mobile now so Logan and Erin had their hands full

"Kendall it is still going to be a while before the baby is born, so if the girls want to come and see Erin for a little bit they can tonight i am sure she will love to see the girls" Logan says as he was talking to Kendall

"The older ones are restless here so i am going to bring them down so they could see her and we can wait in the waiting room if you want" Kendall says to Logan

"That sounds great he might come when the girls are here and it will save time from loading them all up in the bus and bringing them down here, and when it is time for them to go home you guys can take them home and they can come back in the morning I am sure the girls will be asking if their baby brother has been born yet" Logan says with a chuckle

"They are asking that now so we are going to get the diaper bag loaded as well as any snacks the girls may want while we are at the hospital and then go from there i guess" Kendall says to Logan as he was having James and Carlos get everything ready for the hospital stay since they were going to stay there until visiting hours were over then the girls will go home and be back the next day so they can see mommy and maybe baby brother too

"Okay i will be waiting for you guys park on the top so the bus does not get stuck" Logan says to Kendall since Kendall was going to be driving the bus to the hospital

"See ya soon Loges" Kendall says as he hangs up the phone so they could get going to the hospital

Logan went back to see Erin and she was still asleep so he was going to go down and meet the girls since they were going to see mommy

"Erin the guys are bringing the girls by so they can see you" Logan says as he came close to her

SHe was okay with that and she was going to be awake when the girls come cause she wanted to see the girls and be with them a little cause it might help with the labor as well so she was not so bored and stuck in the hospital room so much and she could use the company since it was going to be a while before he comes into the world

"Okay i will see you in a bit with the girls" he says as he kisses her before he leaves to go down and meet Kendall and the others

Logan looked at L.J's heartbeat before he left her and as he was heading down he had his fantasy again

(Logan's Fantasy)

"Logie it's best if we walk a little bit so you can sleep and she might come later too" Erin says as she looks at him after they were in the room and she was getting everything set up for Logan's labor and the delivery as well since this was it 

Logan was up for walking for a little bit cause that was going to help him out a lot with the contractions, and labor in general 

"Can i change into my gown first?" he asks her after he had  took a walk down the hall and back with Kendall so Erin could unpack the bag and look for the hospital gown

"Sure you can Logie" she says as he went into the bathroom to change into his long gown that he had gotten for delivery as she got his slippers to wear as he walked some more cause he did not  want to be hooked up to monitors the whole time 

Logan was changed in no time and he went to the bed to lay down cause the nurse came into the room to check Logan and get him hooked up as well so they could check the baby's heartbeat and see if she was doing okay and if she was tolerating labor

"You wanna walk some more Logan?" Erin asks him

"Yeah might as well and we can check on the girls and see how they are doing and if they want to come out and be with me" he says as he was getting out of bed so he could walk some more and wait for the girls to come to the hospital so they could be with their dad and with their mom

Logan grabbed his I.V pole once he was unhooked from the monitors so he could walk the halls and the floor in general and talk to the girls as well cause if they were going to be coming he wanted to greet them as they were coming to see him

(End of fantasy)

"Main entrance or maternity floor?" he asks himself as he was at the elevators

"Main floor cause of Heaven" he says as he was getting in the elevator to go down and meet them

Logan was so happy when he saw the girls come at him and Heaven was trying her hardest to keep up with her sisters as Kendall was pushing the others in the stroller

The four babies that got left at Logan's doorstep wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now