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Louisa checked her phone for the third time since she seated in their usual spot at the cafeteria. She somehow developed the habit of checking it every now and then. Sometimes, she even forgets what it was she's expecting or waiting for.

She's been skipping breakfast for days now. She couldn't get herself a decent meal. She's been trying to look for anything to eat in the cafeteria but always ends up just having coffee every morning.

It's been five days since Nico went AWOL. She tried calling him a few times and even thought of checking up on him at his place. But the last moments she had with him still lingers in her mind. She shivered at the thought. She tried to push back from reminiscing the events and stood up in exasperation leaving behind her half-empty coffee on the table.

"Guess I'll work alone again today." She tried to work with the others but solitude seemed to be the best option for her to effectively get things done. She went to the gymnasium and carefully transferred a huge chunk of air dry clay into a trolley. She's been trying to shape it into a half human for a couple of days now.

"Poor creature. Your master can't seem to decide what to make of you." she stupidly whispered to the chunk of clay as if it could hear her. She saw Ms. Lee headed her way so she hurriedly pushed the trolley out of the gymnasium. "I can't deal with any BS right now." She thought to herself.

Their bosses have been interrogating her about Nico's whereabouts. The company is in chaos but she can't give them any more information other than she can't reach him either. The tension and anxiety amongst them have been growing day by day. The glances thrown at her which she tried to tolerate are becoming unbearable.

Just a few weeks ago, the three of them were still happily teasing and bickering at each other. She felt invincible with both of them by her side. How things have changed drastically in just a very short time was almost impossible to comprehend. Her grief is still raw; her heart still breaks every time she's reminded of Mina. To add Nico's grand fiasco on top of all these, it's admirable that she can still get up everyday and go to work.

She slammed the door to her work room and locked it. Maybe she's still waiting for Nico to come back, explain and apologize to her. Maybe she'll forgive him and they can go through all the grief, pain and burden together. The lump in her throat is threatening to become a loud howl. She let go of her hard grip on the trolley's handle and covered her face. She broke down into a weep as she tried to balance herself. Her knees were giving up on her. She slumped on the floor letting go of all the pent up woes she's been trying to hold for days.

"Why is this happening to me?" She painfully asked herself. Maybe everything was becoming too good to be true and the universe just won't let that happen. She burst into even more tears as she remembered the times when she was happy and content. "I wasn't asking much. Or was I?"

Moments have passed and it seemed that she can't cry anymore tears. She just sat there staring at the chunk of unshaped clay in front of her face. "Are you....disintegrating too?"

A knock on the door shoved her off from her trance. She tried to hurriedly compose herself and answered without opening the door.

"I'm working! Please leave me alone!" She dismissively shouted.

"It's Yuna. We need to talk." a firm authoritative voice came from the other side of the door.

She was startled. She did not expect her to be here. She went to the door and slowly cracked it open.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Yuna. I...I didn't know it..was you."

"Can I come in?" Yuna asked softly.

"Ye..yes." She then opened the door for her. Yuna slowly stepped in her dark work room.

They stayed silent for a while. Yuna seemingly trying to blend in with the atmosphere. It is afterall one of her skills in capturing a talent's mood and aura.

"How are you, Louisa?" She grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it. Her warm hand felt good, it's actually slowly calming her down.

"I'm....I'm not okay." she mumbled as she held onto her hand a little longer.

"Oh dear." Yuna gently pulled her in and gave her a warm hug. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could do anything to make you feel better."

She did not respond and just gave in to this comforting hug she's been needing. Her tears fell against her will but she just let it be. No one ever cared how she was doing. No one asked her if she's okay. This was the only time that she felt her pain eased up a bit. 

"I think you should take the day off. I heard that you've been working non-stop since..."

Louisa nodded.

"Good girl." Yuna carefully caressed her hair. "I'll take care of everything here. No one's gonna bother you about Nico as well."

She nodded again. She felt like there was no need to speak and Yuna understood.

Yuna held her by the shoulder breaking off their hug. "You're a strong girl. I know you are."

Louisa smiled and I wish she could agree. Is she, really?

"Go on now." Yuna pushed her gently to the door. Louisa obediently stepped away slowly.

"Oh, you almost forgot." Yuna picked up her bag and handed it to her. "One more thing." She paused with the bag mid-air. "You will be working with new artists. You will meet them tomorrow." She proudly smiled.

Louisa just nodded again with her lips pursed, knowing that no one can outperform Mina and Nico.

She grabbed her bag from Yuna's hand and stepped out the door.

It's not easy to replace them. In fact, no one can replace them. 

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