Losers Weepers

62 10 14

Namjoon was out of the building in no time. His eyes frantically searched through his surroundings. He doesn't even know what she's wearing but her long dark brown silky straight hair will surely stand out. He ran around the premises making sure his hoodie covers most of his face.

After what felt like an eternity of running around, he cussed with his own brain for not picking up the thought that she might have her own vehicle.

The parking lot! Dang it!

He sprinted his way to the open parking lot where his manager's car was also parked.

If there's an underground parking lot in this property then that's the end of it.

A very familiar black car slowly making its way out of the lot caught his eyes. The window in the driver's seat was down but he couldn't make much out of the driver's face because of his cap and mask. The distance made it even more difficult to clearly see but as he ran nearer the parking lot, he also caught a glimpse of the passenger.


His eyes darted back to the driver's spot but it was too late for him to make a clear observation as the car finally made out of the parking lot and out of his sight. There was a weird pierce of intimate familiarity from the person on the driver's seat but he failed to point it out. Everything seemed to happen in a swift way.

One thing's for sure. There's no chance for him to see her today. He accepted his failure and dragged his feet to his manager's car.

Mr. Kang was munching on something when Namjoon finally settled in the back seat. He normally would sit in the passenger's side when there's just the two of them but he didn't feel like being chatty right now.

"You sure lived up to your words. That was fast." Mr. Kang kept his food away and prepared himself to start the car. "Damn, you boys surely took advantage of your free hours today, huh?"

His silence was a sure give away that he's not in the mood to chit chat but his manager went on as he started the car.

"What did you do in there? You know they'll be on their toes giving you boys what you like, specially you, you art junkie." He glanced at Namjoon through the rear mirror. "Why do you guys bother to personally go in there.?"

Namjoon stayed silent as their car found its way out of the parking lot. Mr. Kang's words confused him a bit but he's too physically exhausted to even analyze things right now.

"Well? Did you guys find anything interesting?"

This one piqued his curiosity. "What do you mean, maenijeo-nim? I went in there alone." He asked, still trying to keep his politeness.

"What are you talking about? You guys agreed to meet there, didn't you?"

"I didn't meet with anyone." Slowly, piece by piece, the puzzling feeling he had earlier is creating a clearer picture now. "Who...are we talking about, Mr. Kang?" He leaned over closer to the front seat.

"Well..I saw Yoongi in the parking lot before you came back to my car."

Beautiful Tragedy || A BTS Fan Fiction || AU Time TravelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat