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Nico can hear Mina's high pitched laugh from the cafeteria. He knew right away that Louisa is being teased to death right now. He excitedly paced up his steps. He's not gonna miss all the fun.

Lou was still in her apron leaning towards the table with her hand on her face. It's clear how much embarrassment she's feeling right now. Mina is seated across her, laughing her ass off, with a face filled with streaks of paint.

"Soooooooooo. Hello there grateful friend." Nico added on the fun as he approached the table.

"Uuuugh shut up Nico." Louisa sulked even more.

"Heyyyy. Okay okay. I'll stop now." Mina said in between snickers.

Lou looked up and shot them a sharp glare. "I was drunk okay? I don't even remember the things I said!"

Nico sat down and placed his hands on the table. Showing his bandaged right index finger. The two girls gasped. "Oh Nico, not again?" Lou said out of concern and held his hand. The touch sent a pleasant chill down his spine.

"Yeah, I...." he stuttered as he slowly pulled his hand away from Lou's grasp. "Well, as a grateful friend, I think it's just right for you to grab me something to eat. I'm really incapable of doing such a chore right now."

Mina burst out with laughter once again after just a few seconds of suppressing it.

Louisa rolled her eyes annoyed and slapped Nico's injury. "Owwwwwww!" Nico blurted out in pain.

"Whatever. I'll go get us something to eat, and please, let's forget about what happened last weekend." Lou stood up and went over the food counter.

The cafeteria is unconventional just like how the whole building was designed. The company grew a lot in the past years thanks to the talented artists hired by its skillful recruiter they call "Ms. Percy" instead of Yuna. She has a good eye on judging artists' ability, mind & talent. All of the artists in the company have an eccentric nature in their work, discovered through her unique perception of art. It was through her expertise in rummaging through the underground art that she found Lou.

Lou went back to their table with a tray full of food. At CFG, they can take a break at any time. However, these three always eat together at this specific time and complain how each of their work punishes them but at the same time, relaxes them. They talk a lot about their own view of arts and how their own medium expresses it.

Nico is a furniture artist. His designs are out of this world from a swing nest to a throne-line couch. His products are extraordinary and the company bags a lot of money from his work. Mina is a painter with bizarre themes. She never had two paintings with the same emotion.

Lou is a sculptor. Her hands do wonders to any medium she can carve, shape and reshape. She often gets tons of admiration from her various works. But working for a company who takes the credit of her work is definitely not her end goal. She needed to get her own place with the money she saved up and start her own line. She'll have to quit this company soon.

An announcement heard all over the building halted their lunch. "To all artists, please gather around the mini auditorium for an emergency meeting."

"What is it about this time." Nico sighed as he put down his half-eaten chicken sandwich.

"Let's go." Louisa was the first one to stand up and led the way to the auditorium.

When they enter the mini-aud, as they call it, the General Manager is already waiting by the stage. Some other people were there with him and there's Ms. Percy, too.

"This is gonna be something reeeeallllly important." Mina whispered. Feeling the tension in the atmosphere.

"Definitely." Lou agreed. They took the seats in the middle and they were the only people who were seated next to each other. Most of the other artists are living in their own bubble..

"Ahem." The GM cleared his throat in front of the microphone to gather attention."Good afternoon ladies and gents. We're here to announce a VERY important project that we'll be working on in the next few months. Up until now, we've organized and designed big events such as concerts, government programs, parties of huge corporations. But this next project is bigger than all the projects we've done in the past year combined."

An accumulation of murmured voices can be heard in the auditorium. The artists are becoming excited upon hearing the introduction of the next big project.

"All right. I know you're all excited. But I also need your assurance that you will be giving your best work on this. This is quite big and an important thing for the company and its future."

Lou let out a frustrated sigh. The thought of having her work used by the company and taking all of the credit is taking a toll on her. She's happy with her job and she's thankful that she was scouted in the midst of the worst parts of her life.. However, she thinks she worked for this company long enough to pay that back. She's hesitant about joining this next project. Once they started, there's no going back. "I may have to quit earlier than I was planning to." she thought.

"We will be starting the project by next month." The GM said, disturbing her train of thoughts.

"What company are we going to work for this time, sir?" A young artist in the front row asked.

"Glad you asked. This project is going to require some of you to go abroad...because you will be working...for BTS' world tour." 

Beautiful Tragedy || A BTS Fan Fiction || AU Time TravelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz