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"I need a drink." Suga said as they all arrived in their apartment. It's 2 in the morning now and they all feel like dying from their 10-hour practice.

"I think what you need, and what we all need, is to wash up and sleep." Jin, being the oldest, still tries to take care of the members.

They all gathered in the living room like they always do when they come home together. It's like a ritual before doing their own stuff. They'll sit down and try to see if they have anything to discuss. As exhausted as they are right now, they all just sat there zoned out for a while.

Most of them already bought their own place. However, during busy days like these, with their non stop practice, meetings and promotions, it is way better to all be in the same place.

Jungkook & Taehyung were on the floor leaning their backs on the couch. They opted in watching their rehearsals earlier on V's phone settled on his lap.

"Jimin-Hyung should move closer to you in this part." Jungkook pointed on the screen. His head resting on V's shoulder. V nodded in agreement. Too tired to respond.

J-hope joined them when he heard something about the choreography. When it comes to choreo, J-hope was the one in charge. He has always lived up to his title as the group's dance leader.

"Ya Jimin-ssi! I already told you earlier---" 

"Araso araso." Jimin muttered with his eyes shut, cutting off Jhope from his nagging.

"We need to be ready by 9 this morning. We'll be doing a photo shoot by 10. So you all better get your asses to bed asap. We need as much rest as we can." RM stood up and proceeded to his room. An indication that the ritual/meeting was adjourned.

"No drinks for me then." Suga stood up and went on to their room. "Good night, kids!" He shouted before closing the door.

Everyone else stood up almost in unison and lazily made their way to their own rooms. 


Seeing his bed made him want to jump right in but he needs to wash up. He went straight to the bathroom after taking off his clothes and let the warm water wash away his sweat.

He remembered the times when they all had to line up and wait for each of their turns to use the only bathroom in their cramped dormitory. Now they all have each of their own. A lot has shifted in their lives but "insignificant" changes like these make him let out a bitter sweet smile.

Now I can shower as long as I want. He laughingly thought to himself.

They never had privacy like this before. They all shared in one room with 3 bunk beds right next to each other. There was one single bed that they gave to their youngest.

He eagerly jumped on his bed after his quick shower. He eagerly felt the soft and fragrant sheets against his bare skin. His bed was now twice the size of the bunk bed he used to sleep in.

His roommate is already fast asleep on the next bed. They still share rooms when they're together in the apartment. Only Jungkook has a room of his own. Being the maknae really has its perks.

He expected sleep to knock him out as soon as he hit the sack but for some reason, his eyes wouldn't cooperate. His mind took him back to the times when they struggled so much they thought they're going to disband early in their careers.

These struggles created the most memorable moments of their companionship. Sharing the same struggles, pain, and eventually, victories, made their friendship even tighter. The place where they live never mattered, as long as they stick to each other, it's home.

The humbling feeling brought by the thoughts made him let out a deep sigh. He realized that he's been staring at the ceiling for quite some time. His pillow has already absorbed the moist from his wet hair.

The light snore from the next bed made him snicker. And like a signal, he also felt his fatigue all over his body but sleep ain't nowhere near.

He sat right up and nonchalantly scanned the room. His eyes caught on the black leather jacket hanging on his wall. A white wire can be seen hanging from its right pocket. He got up and pulled it out.

"Mwoya?" His eyebrows furrowed as he inspected the thing against the low light of his bedside lamp. Slowly, his puzzled face transitioned to a pleasing realization.

"It's her earphones."

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