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A week ago..

"We can't go back down to the city right now, Nic." Tish insisted. "We have to continue this if you wanna try and save her."

Nico tried to pull his hand from her grip but she was too strong.

"You said it yourself, it's too late for me to save her. Then there's no use for me to carry on with all this bullshit!" Nico yelled in exasperation.

"Nico, you have to calm down and listen to me first!" The command in her voice made Nico halt from protesting.

"She's...she's everything to me." Nico caved in and kneeled on the ground. "I just felt her die. How can you tell me to calm down?"

Tish also went down on her knee and lifted Nico's head while cusping both the sides of his face.

"She's not dead..." Tish stalled. "..yet."

Nico's tearful eyes met hers and it's now filled with anguish and desperation.

"Can I still do anything to save her? I'm weak. Please, Tish, I need to save her." He pleaded with despair as he took her hands from his face and held them tight.

"No, not this way, not here, not now." Tish looked down on their clasped hands. She tightly closed her eyes as his torment crawled up to her.

"I don't understand." Nico evidently calmed down, threatening tears retreated, replaced with his curious expression. "Is there any other way?"

"The curse has already latched on her." Tish started explaining. She also slowly pulled her hands away. "But yes, there's a way."

Nico stared at his hands, realizing what Tish just did.


"We have to hurry, Nico." She stood up. "If we let her die right now, there's nothing and I mean nothing at all that can save her. Stand up."

He obediently followed, redirecting his focus back to Louisa.

Tish started hiking again and Nico hurriedly followed.

"What am I supposed to do, Tish? I'm nothing compared to her."

"Yes, I know that." She responded without stopping in going through the tall bushes and huge outgrown roots. "Even if you get awakened, it will still be difficult for you to harness your power and go against her."

Tish's voice gradually seemed to sound farther and farther.

"Then how-aaah!" His words were cut off when a thick vine landed on his face. "Shit. I thought it was a snake!"

Nico pushed it aside in annoyance and hopped off an arched root. By the time he landed on the ground, he could no longer find Tish.

"Tish?!" He yelled. His voice echoed through the forest that sent some birds flying from the tree above him. "Where are you?! This is not funny!"

He looked around to find any signs of Tish's trail. But there's nothing but stillness of the woods.

 But there's nothing but stillness of the woods

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