Pied Piper's Prey

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White fading smoke lifted up the air as he put out the cigarette on the marble ashtray. He then picked up the whiskey beside it shimmering with ice against the lamp light.

His lips subtly smacked as he anticipated the sweet finish of the bitter liquid. But there was no sweet finish. The taste was bitter from the moment the gold liquid touched his lips until it travelled warmly down his throat. He grimaced and checked the brand of the liquor. It's his favorite brand.

"What's wrong babe?" A blonde woman appeared on his side of the bed and gently snatched the glass of whiskey from his hand. Her other hand slowly caressed his nape. She took a sip on the same glass and smiled. "This is good, didn't you like it?"

"It doesn't taste as good as before." He tilted his head a bit, for her hand to freely give his neck a massage.

She put down the glass after her second sip and crawled next to him on the bed. She maneuvered his body so his back was facing her and started giving him a back massage.

"You know what they say about booze's taste, right?" She almost mumbled as she continued kneading his shoulders.

"Hmm?" Her hands expertly targeted the tight parts of his back making him drowsy.

She smiled realizing her massage was doing its magic on him.

"They say...that if it tastes sweet, you had a good day." She closed her distance towards him and whispered to his ear. "You must have had a rough day then?"

Her cool breath on his skin startled him back to awakeness.

Rough day. No, not really. More like, a disappointing one.

"How can you tell?" He faced her, wishing it was another face in front of him right now.

"Oof. Our philosopher is a bit slow today."

His eyebrow furrowed backtracking what she just said.

"Ooooh. So liquors taste bitter if your day was bad?" He scoffed. "That's ridiculous."

"Yeah I know. But you did spill, you really were having a bad day." She wittingly caught. "What happened?"

Aside from the fact that he only meets up with her when he's stressed, today was a bit different. He looked genuinely down and dismayed. 

He glanced at her when she moved from his back and leaned on the bed's headboard. He let out a short snicker.

"What?" Her small exotic face was confused.

"Nothing. I just thought for a second, that you're becoming sentimental." This kind of relationship requires a lot of setting boundaries and that includes avoiding talking about worries and other emotions. "It was just about one of the members going MIA on us in the middle of rehearsals."

Her eyes scrutinized his face.

"You're being overly defensive." She snarked and crossed her arms in front of her; evidently unconvinced with his answer. "It must be something important then...? Some girl maybe?"

That caught him off guard and he knew she read him through, being another genius that she was. He also knows that she might be a little pain in the ass at times for being too clingy and thirsty, but she's also a little safebox personified.

"Come on. Tell me!" She urged. "You know I don't care if you date other girls, right? I'm not the jealous type."

He knew that too, all too well. She once brought one of her friends in an attempt to have a threesome with him. It was tempting but he declined, knowing the risk being too big.

Beautiful Tragedy || A BTS Fan Fiction || AU Time TravelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ