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Is this really happening? Louisa blinked hard as the door to the rehearsal room came into view. It was like being in cloud nine but instead of floating on it, she felt like she was suffocated with an overwhelming cloud of emotions.

She didn't know which emotion she should entertain first. She tightened her grip on the cart's handle to control her shaking.

"I already swore I'm not taking that away from you anymore." Yoongi teased her from behind. They've spent a good ten minutes of arguing who's gonna bring the cart over.

She was relieved when he gave up after feeding him the thought that it would be a very controversial scenario if anyone sees him pushing a cart for a staff. But something tells her that he might be wanting for that to happen. She dismissed the thought right away as it brought back her embarrassment on what happened in his studio.

Yoongi picked up his pace to get ahead of her to the door. She halted and let out a big sigh. This is it.

"Relax." He let out a gummy smile that effectively shed a big amount of the jitters she was having. "As I've said numerous times, we're just humans."

She didn't only know that for a fact but also has proven it as well. Her encounters with Yoongi and Namjoon didn't only prove that they're real but how pragmatic they can also be. But no matter how much she tried to set her mind into thinking that it's nothing to be neurotic about, it's just impossible to do so.

Nevertheless, she's here. All of the things she could only dream of were happening right in front of her and she has to face it head on. She filled her lungs through a deep big breath before nodding. That was Yoongi's cue to open the knob to the new twist to her life.


She was just supposed to help instruct Jimin on how to put on the wing piece. But by the time Lou and Yoongi entered the door, all eyes fell on them. And there was a heavy tension in the room that she could practically taste in the air.

Damn it. She did not think this far ahead. People seeing her together with Yoongi is as good as him pushing the cart for her. What on earth was I thinking? Her eyes instinctively looked for Namjoon. Help me.

By the time she found him, she knew right away where the bitter taste of tension was coming from. He was leaning against the wall not far from the door with his phone in his hand. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were virtually burning. But he was not casting that deadly stare at her.

She flinched when she then felt Yoongi's hand behind her waist, gently pushing her to walk in further. She obliged, not breaking her sight from Namjoon. She saw how he sharply breathed in when Yoongi did not take his hands off of her until they halted right in front of him.

Her gaze followed Namjoon's and ended with the person standing next to her, Yoongi. That's when she realized that Yoongi was countering the casted glare with a confident smirk on his lips.

She was already bracing herself to the overwhelming presence of all the members being in one place but this was not the reason for the traction in the atmosphere, she was sure. Her eyes shifted awkwardly between the members stationed in different parts of the room. They, too, evidently were on edge.

What in the world is happening? This was not how she pictured how she would meet BTS up close. But then again, she never would have imagined meeting them as a group. However, this was so...underwhelming and awkward. What's going on between Yoongi & Joonie?

"Is that..." Louisa thanked the universe for its perfect timing. She couldn't take the weight of the tension any longer. It was when Sung-deuk walked in and stared at the wing piece with wide eyes. "Wow...can Jimin carry this during the dance?"

Beautiful Tragedy || A BTS Fan Fiction || AU Time TravelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat