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Yuna tried to stop herself from shaking her head. Louisa's no longer mentally stable.

"Why? What's wrong..Miss Yuna?" Lou's frail voice still expressed strong puzzlement. "I was just asking where Nico is?"

"I know." This confused Louisa even more. "I think I need to call the nurse to check on you."

"No.." Lou tried to sit but Yuna stopped her from moving.

"What are you doing? You're gonna strain yourself." Yuna protested as she gently pushed Lou back down to the bed. "I'll be back in a jiff, arasso?"

Before Lou could object, Yuna was already out the door.

Why was she acting so strange? She thought to herself. Why's she avoiding my question?

A creaking sound startled Louisa from her own thoughts and her eyes darted to the crack on the window to her left. Cold wind entered through it that made the white curtain slightly flutter.

Lou's breathing paced as the same fear that left her sleepless for many days started creeping up once again

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Lou's breathing paced as the same fear that left her sleepless for many days started creeping up once again. She wanted to get out of bed and scream but her body felt so heavy, she couldn't even lift her arm.'s here again. She couldn't find her voice. Unnie...come back.

The window crack started parting wider and the flutter of the curtains went stronger. She felt her room grew colder and all she could ever do was whimper in fear.

A dark figure slowly appeared at the foot of her bed, right in between her feet. She gaped as the smoky figure gradually solidified.

Louisa heaved all the energy left in her body and forced out a scream. She was surprised by her own voice as it echoed all throughout the room it hurt even her own ear. But she didn't let it bother her and she let out another scream.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She repeatedly shouted.

Several white figures stormed in her door and it took her some time to realize they were nurses. Behind them were two people she could barely recognize.

"We need to calm her down!" One nurse yelled. "Get the tranquilizer!"

"Don't make me sleep! Help me!!!" She found more energy to scream as the image looming over her vanished. "It's gonna come back! It's coming to get me! Don't make me sleep!"

She saw Yuna across the room covering her mouth in utter shock as she stared at her in disbelief.

"Unnie! Help me! It's here! Don't let them make me sleep!" She protested and squirmed under the hands of the nurses pinning her down.

The man beside Yuna had his hands over his head as he paced back and forth, evidently bewildered as well. She couldn't see his face because of his ball cap and black face mask.

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