Look Here

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When he saw the cab stop not very far away from his car, Namjoon threw his phone away and pretended to be napping. He wanted to avoid talking to her as much as possible, but he couldn't just ditch her either.

No matter how upset he was at the moment, he still wanted to protect her at all cost. He just had to keep everything inside as long as he could. Especially when he's also protecting her from him.

When the door opened, he tried his best not to peek and see her face. He then recalled how Yoongi so freely touched her when he himself would have mustered up all his strength and guts to just hold her hand. A rain of burning arrows shot straight to his chest.

He felt her close the door gently, in the effort to not wake him up. He slowly sensed her weight on the other side of the seat.

"We can go now, Ahjussi." She whispered to the driver and the car started.

He's willing to endure this complicated arrangement. They will both get off work at different times and wait at a designated meeting place for that day. They decided it's best to keep their communication minimal at work. They will then go home together, wherever it is, depending on the circumstances. Today, they decided to stay at his house for the night.

It's an arrangement that his manager disapproved of so badly. It's so risky and perplexing that he had to involve some of the other managers to cooperate. Sejin almost fainted in distress when he heard about it. But his clean record was his ace card, this is the first time he's ever caused trouble. And they somehow felt obligated to help him with it.

Sejin and his manager got everyone involved to sign an NDA. The staff driving the car right now signed one as well. He thought it was ridiculous but he knew what's in store.

All this trouble and intricacy, and Yoongi just blatantly flirted and openly showed his interest to Louisa. Something he couldn't do, to protect her. Now all things considered, Yoongi has now the advantage of being overt of his intentions, at least to the members and company staff who were bound with the contract of keeping their mouths shut.

On top of everything, the thought of her being alone with him in his studio brought lightning directly to his core. He could do this again and again if he wanted to. Not knowing how Louisa feels about Yoongi added up to the torture. The fierce swirl of both jealousy and anger tormented him, it's almost impossible to pretend.

However, one tiny part of his mind compels him to ask the question: Does Yoongi-Hyung really have the advantage now that he's practically out in the open? Or do I have the upper hand, knowing that Louisa is secretly safe and comes home to me?


Louisa didn't notice that they were now entering the underground parking of the apartment building where Namjoon lives. She was so occupied studying his tender features inches away from his face. She couldn't imagine how he could give out such a sinister and dark disposition; scary enough to affect his members...well except Yoongi.

So when the car stopped and his eyes opened, she was staring right into them. He saw how that tranquil and warm expression slowly turned agitated and weak the longer he was looking at her. She wanted to ask him so badly what's wrong and to comfort him right at that moment.

"We're here." The driver opened the door for them, obliviously halting their silent yet meaningful moment. They both came back to their senses and instantly looked away from each other trying to mask the awkward air.

But the uneasy atmosphere followed them insistently inside the elevator. She felt his mood turn even dimmer. He avoided looking at her and stayed silent throughout the ride up the building.

The internal battle between finding out and respecting his silence was chaotic and confusing. But in the end, her curiosity won.

"Okay." She started by the time they closed the door to the apartment behind them. "I know that I have no right to invade your thoughts and I should be acknowledging your choice of peace but I couldn't help but wonder..what's wrong?" She did not dare look at him while she fired her thoughts out.

"Nothing." He nonchalantly responds as he settles himself on the sunken sofa in the middle of the living room after throwing his satchel on the floor. "I'm just tired." He then started aimlessly flipping from channel to channel with the remote.

"Let's say I am buying that." She followed him down the depressed part of the floor and stood right at the edge of the sofa where he was seated. She knows there's a lot more to it but she cannot just do nothing. "Is there anything I can do to relieve that?"

It may sound pathetic for a mere human like her to offer help to this larger than life person in front of her, but it's also the only pathetic attempt she could think of to give something in exchange of all the help she's getting from him.

"Nothing." He repeated with a sigh; still avoiding her eyes. "You can use the room to the right, by the way. Get some rest."

"Please." She moved so that she's blocking his view of the TV, she's not just going to let this go that easily. "Just...tell me what to do. "

It was too late when she realized how inappropriate her stance was at that very moment. His legs were spread out apart while his elbows were positioned on the sofa's backrest. She felt like she was being probed like a piece of art when she started getting aware of how exposed she was. It's like he was waiting for her to perform and impress him.

A surge of blood suddenly rushed all the way to her face, she could actually feel her cheeks heat up. This definitely did not escape Namjoon's scrutinizing eyes and whatever darkness it was looming over him visibly vanished at the sight of her blushed cheeks.

Even though he immediately bowed his head down, she saw how he suppressed a smile that still revealed his dimples.

"You're making this so difficult for me, Louisa." Still looking down, he stood and took a step closer to her. Her mind tells her to take a step back but her body froze as the atmosphere of intimacy emanated from him. It was like being bound by a spell like her nightmares, but this time, it was...bewitchingly seductive.

She wasn't sure if it was the feeling of being under a spell or her subconscious telling her to touch him but her limbs took a life of their own. Both of her hands reached up to his face and with the slightest movement, he's now looking straight at her with pleading eyes.

"What is it?" She whispered. Despite the boiling sensation in her chest, brought about by their closeness, Louisa still couldn't help but wonder what's the reason behind those tormented eyes.

His dark brown eyes met her with despair mixed with frustration. His hands reached up to hers, against his cheeks and interlocked their fingers as he slowly closed his eyes.

"Let's get away from here, Lou." Louisa's eyes widened. She was certain that the voice that escaped from Namjoon's lips were not his. "Let's get away, just you and I."

Her gasp made him open his eyes but this time, it wasn't the same brown eyes she was staring into, a minute ago. The pleading desperate eyes looking back at her were blue like the deepest of the oceans, the very same set of eyes that earnestly asked her to get away with him not so long ago.


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