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Ten Minutes Later . . .

You were waiting for your tour and you noticed a girl coming up. "Y/n! Hey!" The girl said. "Do I know you?" You said. She pouted. "It's Thalia! Mom's oldest?"

 "It's Thalia! Mom's oldest?"

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"Oh! Thal! Sheesh, sorry. We haven't met in long time." You scratched the back of your head. "Well, it's kinda expected, you, Auntie and Uncle, really moved a lot!" Thalia said. "But enough of that, let's tour the school shall we! Don't worry, we'll go to the ones that are mainly your spot, knowing you Y/n!" She giggled and booped my nose.

You stood up and towered over her. "Well, damn." Thalia laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Auntie told me." You laughed.

You and Thalia began walking around the school.

Few Minutes Later . . .

"So! Thalia. How long have you've been here in [S/n]?" You asked. "This is my Sophomore year, so I'm a year older than you technically." She giggled. As you both arrived at a double doors. "Now this is the Library. Your new favourite place. Come! Let's go inside." You entered the library and was met by the librarian, Mr. Steel.

"Morning, Mr. S!" Thalia said. "Ah, Thalia! Good morning to you too! Is this the new student?" Mr. Steel asked. "Y/n Y/l/n, sir." You politely extended your hand. He shook your hand. "Likewise, Mr. Y/l/n. I'll assume Thalia is here touring you?"

"Yes sir." You replied.

"Ah, well, good thing no one's here as it is still fairly early, so Thalia can be a little louder than usual."

You chuckled. "I'm sure she's excited to scream at the library."

"Y/n!" Thalia pouted. "Anyways, I'll expect to see you again later?" Mr. Steel asked. "Yes sir. Libraries are always my go-to's as I don't really like to be in the lunch room." You said. "Well, Thalia can show you the little cubicles where it's just you until the end of the period."

"Interesting." You said. "And that's what we're going to now! See ya later, Mr. S!" Thalia dragged you away, earning a chuckle from Mr. Steel and waving goodbye. "Mr. Steel seems like a good teacher." You said. "He is, I had him as a substitute, he was chill." Thalia said.

You arrived at the cubicles and was surprised. "Come, let's sit inside! Just to see if your tall-ass can fit!" Thalia teased. "Bugger off, short stuff!" You teased back.

You and Thalia entered and you were comfortable inside. "Now this is a go-to spot. Away from the noise, minding my business, the life right here." You said. "Tell me about it! We may be neighbours here actually so, wait. Let me see your schedule."

You passed your phone to her and your schedule, Thalia was surprised. "What the hell? Aren't you a freshman?"

You nodded. "Is there a problem with my classes?"

The Outsider || A K/DA and Seraphine x Male Y/n High School StoryWhere stories live. Discover now