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|two months later|

"Keep crying and Ima hang up" leaning against the wall rolling my eyes I couldn't shake this weird feeling I've been having since four days ago. "Did something happen this week?"

"No, I just miss you. I want you to come to get me" Hezekiah hiccups into the phone

"Yeah you say this every time you call, have you seen Shoota or Kev lately?"

"Kevin is gone now, Lucky said he's on tour with his family. Uncle Shoota came yesterday to walk Hercules but that's it"

"Alright love you, call me next week I gotta go"

"Wait! Kenny, I miss you, when are you coming back to get me?" I could hear the panic in his voice rise, his hiccups quicken as well

"Mmh whenever I get out" shrugging I glanced down the hall looking at the clock on the wall. "my program ends at the end of next month, Kiah relax"

"Hezekiah where you at?" Lucky shouts from Kiah's background.

"Bye Kenny, love you" he ends the calls with a sigh

Putting the phone on the hook, making my way to Ling, the therapist who's supposed to be helping me control my anger.

She's helped me get to a place where I'm not as irritable as much as I was before, nothing drastic.

"Afternoon Kennedy, what's on your mind today?" Ling smiles gesturing to the couches in her office

"Sex" shrugging I didn't bother to say a seat, opening her blinds I in the window looking out. "when's the last time you fucked?"

"We're here to talk about you Kennedy"

"Yeah yeah I know, ain't shit on my mind. I'm bored and sober as shit. Two months with weed sex and liquor got me rethinking life"

"A few sessions ago you told me you weren't sexually active with your boyfriend, so these past two months shouldn't affect you unless you were performing sexually acts with someone other than him"

"Nah bitch don't try me on no hoe shit, I wasn't fucking nobody I'm just saying I could've been getting dick this whole time but I wouldn't know cause I'm here. Don't start no shit with me, Ling" chuckling I shook my head running a hand through my hair. "next subject"

"We've covered everything that was needed to discuss two weeks ago Kennedy, the only thing that's keeping you here is you"

"Fuck you mean? I'm still annoyed as hell—"

"And that's not going to change because of a few therapy sessions, take everything you've learned from our sessions and use them in your everyday life. Feeling annoyed or frustrated is something everyone feels, it's ok to feel irritated from time to time we all experienced it even the happiest people"

"Right" waving her off I didn't think too much into it

"What's the first thing you plan on doing when you leave here?"

"Gets some food and weed in my system"


"Does it look like I play games?"

Raising an eyebrow she apologizes lowly, typing on her laptop.

"How is your nephew? Did he call today?"

"He calls every day, nothing new."

Time always seems to go by slowly when she's around, answering the majority of her questions I at her on the couch with a yawn.

Her laptop dinged gaining her attention, a frown grew on her face as she looked at the notification.

"Um, Kennedy? It seems like you being discharged"

"Bullshit, don't nobody know I'm here"

"I'm telling you the truth, as of right now you are no longer a patient here. I suggest you continue going to therapy at least once a week for as long as you need to and continue working on controlling your anger. I'm truly proud of you, to you it may feel like you haven't made a difference but I'm here to let you know you did. It's very visible you've let some of that aggression go"

Over the intercom, the receptionist asked for me to get my belongings and come to the front.

Who the fuck is here and why can't I ever do shit for myself without being bothered?

"Bye Ling" giving a nod I got up leaving her office

Checking all the messages and missed calls I've gotten over the past two months I looked up at the dipshit who disturbed my getaway.

"Alright so talk nigga, you see where I been so why bother me? A mother fucka finally decide to get right and you sign me out of the one place that was helping me? This is why I didn't want to tell y'all bitches anything" sitting in the visiter room I leaned back in my chair

"If it was up to me I wouldn't be here but things got a lil out of hand back in V.A I need to bring you back before it's too late" Shoota explains running a hand down the side of his face. "believe me when I say the last thing I wanted to do has come here, I knew you were here for weeks"

"What's going on? Something happened to Kiah or my stepkids?"


"Something wrong with Kev or Jeremiah?"

Shaking his head Shoota rubbed the back of his head.

"They're fine, it's about Bubba. He ain't looking too good"

The feeling of my heart being pulled and the sensation of numbness washed over me briefly.

"Whatcha mean? He's sick?" picking up my bags I didn't bother to waste any more time leaving, moving through the halls to the exit. "I just talked to Kiah earlier he didn't say anything about Bubba being sick"

"He's been shot Ken, he's not sick" Shoota mutters putting a hand on my shoulder, pushing it off I mugged him. "he's been in and out of surgery for different shit since four days ago"

"And you just know telling me?" pushing him away I took his keys, running to his car hooping in, and throwing my backs in the back. "you know how me and Bubba go way back and you choose to keep me out the mix is fucked up. I hate y'all dumb fucks"

Wiping tears that I didn't know that had fallen away I started the engine.


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