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|1 week and four days later|

Waking up to a snoring in my ear and heavy weight on my back I groan trying to push them off me.

What the fuck?

Turning my head to the right I see an edible arrangement on my nightstand with a four-foot card behind it, a stack of money, and two Channel bags.

Kymani sorry ass

"Get up" I mumble elbowing his side, waking him up. "get off me"

"Baby" he groans getting up slowly and standing beside the bed, watching me go into the bathroom. "I apologize, I-"

"Toota" Bj cries gaining our attention and stepping into the room with Hezekiah behind him.

"Wassup B?"

"You..." his sob drowns out his words

"He said you left us" Hezekiah fills in the blanks

Glaring at Kymani I noticed all the bruises on his face and arms. There's a bandaid above his left eyebrow, his knuckles are bruised and swallowed. He's also leaning to the right slightly.

Awe he was dead-ass about crashing out

"I didn't leave y'all B, I spent a few nights at my house. I apologize for not saying anything to you. Regardless of me and yo mama problems Ima be round the corner whenever you need me alright? I should've checked on you and that's my fault. I won't do that again. You forgive me?"

"Uh huh" Bj nods walking over to him with his arms open

Kymani bent down slowly wincing as he scooped Bj up into his arms.

"Put him down" turning away I got out my toothbrush and toothpaste. Starting my morning routine. Kymani and Hezekiah exchanged some words before Kiah walked away with Ky's phone."Shoota put him down"

"Why you calling me that? And why you tryna tell me what to do with my son?"

"You wincing like you're in pain. Put him down I'm not gonna tell you again"

"It doesn't matter, he wants to be comforted so that's what Ima do. I'm good. I came here to fix our problems and get back to how we were. I apologize for the way I've been coming at you. I can admit I'm a lil scared of losing you to Molly. Besides Bubba, she's the only person you'd spin back for and I don't like my chances. I can't say I trust you but because I'm putting my fears before everything. I'm trying not to be in my head about this, it's just hard knowing everything that has happened with the both of you. I love you and I want to be with you—I wanna marry you the sooner the better. I'm asking you to help ease my mind and I'll do the rest"


Rinsing my mouth I place both toothbrush and paste back in their respective places, washing my face shortly after then took Bj from Kymani sitting him on the bed.

"Ok?" he questions trying to reach for Bj, swatting his hands away I sent Bubbi out of the room. "mmcht, why do you keep doing that?"

"Because you're hurt, Kymani you look like shit. Don't come in here and try to make things worse for yourself by lifting him or anything else over fifty pounds. I already have two kids to take care of I can't cater to you in the way you may require if you get hurt any more than you already are. I love you and I'm willing to work on whatever's necessary. I've already put distance between me and Molly. She knows of our relationship and knows I'm not messing around with her anymore. Your feelings are valid, I will do everything in my power to not put you in a position to doubt our future again"

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