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"Lucky on everything I love if you knew about this I'm beating yo ass and shooting yo house up" I mutter into the phone

Shoota convinced me to stay home with Kevin and Hezekiah, it's taking everything in me not to drive three hours to Mariah's house and beating her and Jamie's ass.

"Why the fuck would I let that continue to happen, Ken? I didn't know anything, I'm heading to Mariah's house now"

"Bring Jamie to me, alive" hanging up I tossed the phone on the couch tugging on my hair.

Hezekiah could've died from starvation or Jamie could have killed my baby himself. What the fuck has Mariah been doing? She's his mother, she should've noticed a change in his eating habits. Stupid bitch.

"You're going to stress yourself out" Shoota sighs dropping his body on top of mines, pulling me to the floor. "have you took your meds?"

"Yeah man, get off me" elbowing his gut I didn't try too much to get up, I don't have the energy to.

"Where did you put my grey hoodie? You had it at the hospital"

"It's probably in my closet, who's buying me a new SUV? You or you?" rolling out of his arms I laid on my back turning my head towards him.

Ever since I got my truck shot up and crashed I've been getting drive around by him, Kevin, and my driver Benji.

"You want the same model and color?"


"I'll think about it" nodding Shoota reaches over me and grabs his phone from the coffee table. "what's your plan for Mariah? I already know you're going to kill ole dude"

"Nothing, I told Mama Honey I wouldn't touch her"

"Since when do you keep promises?"

"That's a good question"

Kevin walked in eyeing the both of us with Hezekiah behind him.

"Kenny, what y'all doing?" Hezekiah's asks lowly

"Nothin, did you eat the sandwich and drink the ensure?"

"Yes" nodding he climbed on the couch turning on the tv

"Lemme talk to you for a minute" Kevin mutters gesturing to the hallway

"Awe shit" Shoota chuckle watching me getting and follow Kevin out.

"Wassup?" leaning into Kevin I looked up blankly

"You into him too?"

"Into who?" moving away from I looked into the living room at Shoota and Hezekiah. "Shoota? Nah that's bro our friendship platonic as fuck. Don't try me on no hoe shit"

"Why are you getting so defensive, all I asked was a simple question"

"A stupid question" waving him off I went back and sat on the couch.

"You know Destiny had her baby?" Shoota asks to smirk

"Yeah she sent me a picture of the baby last night, is it a boy or girl is the question"

"It's a girl, Mark said Destiny wants to name it after her"

"White people shit" I hum shaking my head. "never in life have I heard of a woman naming their kid after them. That's ugly as fuck"

"They didn't name the girl that, it was a suggestion" laughing Shoota sat up patting my pockets. "where the lighter?"

"I'm out" Kevin scoffs leaving

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