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"Kennedy! Help me, sis, I'm sorry!" Jeremiah cries banging on my front door

Six days ago I made the deal with Lucky and everything went to hell. Somebody spiked Jeremiah and he relapsed a day later.

Mariah is still willing to let Hezekiah spend time with Jeremiah but it has to be supervised by Lucky or someone she trusts.

Kevin has been coming over every other night and forcing me to come home when I stay at the trap house for hours at a time.

"Kennedy!" Jeremiah screams banging harder on the door

In all honesty, I'm not even angry at him anymore, I just want him to get better and build a relationship with Hezekiah before it's too late.

Opening the door I let him fall into my arms, he held me tightly apologizing repeatedly while wetting my shoulder with his tears.

"Jeremiah, chill I'm not trippin" closing the door with my foot I led him to the living room, sitting him down I went into the kitchen getting napkins and a bottle of water

Giving it to him I sat on the coffee table in front of him, watching his legs bounce and his hands have spasms. He struggled to hold the bottle steady enough to open it.

Taking it I did for him holding it up to his mouth, pouring it in slowly I gave him time to swallow.

"What do you remember?" I ask after a few minutes, putting the cap back on the bottle I sat it beside me.

"Going to the grocery store to get a job application, I blacked out for a while then woke up with a needle beside me and two dime bags of coke in my condo"

"You sure you didn't just do it to yourself and just don't remember?" combing my hair with my fingers I twisted it into a bun

"No, I told you I want to get better! And Bubba told me about the deal you took, I didn't want to mess up again"

"Alright" nodding I took my phone out when it vibrated. "have you ate yet?"


"Go take a shower you look like shit, Lucky left clothes here the last time he was here. You can wear them when you get done the food should be here"

"Thank you" nodding he went upstairs, his hands continued to have spasms as he did so

Putting my head in my hands I thought back on the times I could've helped him.

Kevin came twenty minutes later with wings and fries, I gave my food to Jeremiah since Kev only brought enough for himself and I.

"You should've told me he was here" pushing his takeout box in front of me, Kevin sighs motioning me to eat his food.

"I'm not hungry" leaning into him I glanced upwards making eye contact with him

"I didn't ask, you haven't eaten anything all day"

"I ate a popsicle before you came so, humph"

"Kennedy stop playing and eat the damn wings" shrugging my head off his shoulder he got up and plugged his PlayStation up. "you getting on the game with me?"

"Nah I'm bouta go upstairs and go to sleep"

Looking back at me he glared unplugging his PlayStation, grabbing my hand he led me upstairs to my room before going over to my tv.

"There's a snake on me! Kennedy help me!" Jeremiah shouts running into my room pulling at his shirt collar.

"Hell Nah, keep that shit over there" using Kevin as a shield I pushed him towards Jeremiah

"For you to be so mean and violent as hell I wouldn't have expected you to be scared of snakes" chuckling Kevin glances at me while helping my brother take his shirt off. "Jeremiah I think you were just imagining a snake, there's nothing on you"

"Then it's still in the room" he nods fidgeting with his hands, he slapped the top of his head repeating; "it's in the room"

"Alright, Ken I'll be back. Come on Jeremiah" Kevin nod gently taking him out of the room

"Kev bring yo food upstairs, I'm hungry now" getting into bed I took off my shirt, looking for my phone I found Kevin's. "Hmm"

"Oh now you hungry?" he smacks his lips

"That's what I said"

Taking a few pictures I unlocked his phone going on his Instagram, first thing I see is Dreka's posted up with their kids.

Smirking I went into the comments and typed; 'my stepkids are so cute -Kennedy' with heart eyes.

Within five minutes Dreka's calling, chuckling I answered.

"Wassup?" I ask

"Where's Kevin?"

"Wiping my pussy juice from his mouth in the bathroom" I mutter fighting back my laugh. "I'm just kidding, he's helping my brother with something"

"You're disgusting"

"Yeah and mean, dependable, loving at times, rude, violent, and last but not least aggressive" nodding I laid back pressing the FaceTime button. "so baby momma wassup? Can I help you with something?"

Surprisingly she accepted it, her hair was tucked away in a bonnet and her face beat with makeup.

"Well don't you look cute, where you going?" I question raising an eyebrow

"Why? That's not any of your business, don't be commenting under my post on Instagram. We ain't friends"

"But baby momma!" I whine jokingly "y'all looked cute, I just had to. If we weren't cool why did you accept my FaceTime request?"

Rolling her eye Dreka didn't bother to answer my question, instead, she changed the subject.

"I'm not your baby momma, tell Kevin Khaza has a cold and wants to be with him. Islah's at a friends house so Kev doesn't have to get her"

"Alright, anything else?"

Kevin walks in with his takeout box, mugging me he points to his phone that's in my hands.

"Who you talking to Ken?"

"Our baby momma, called cause she wants me to pull up on her and show her with this tongue do" smirking I winked at Dreka before giving Kevin his phone and taking the food from him

"Don't get hit" Kevin grunts side-eyeing me

"She lying, I told her not to comment on my post no more and that Khaza wants you to come to get him. He has a cold and wants to be with you. Islah is down the street at her friend's house for the weekend" Dreka rambles

"I'll come to get stepson and before I go, I'll show you a few tongue tricks baby momma. Sound good?" I question munching on my wings

"Kennedy chill out with that gay shit" Kevin mumbles glaring at me

"Don't bring her ass to my house, Kevin"

"I'm not"

"Y'all can't take jokes? Nobody wants to lick Derek sour pussy anyway" I grumble rolling my eyes "probably got bumps and scratches on it"

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