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Spencer sat in her bath staring at the wall as her radio played. The numbness of the weed wore off she started to feel something. The steam from the bathtub caused her mascara to run. She knew she was falling back into her gruesome reality. Her world was sunny a while ago now it's stormy.
If she was still in her mothers care she would be in the storm weak and alone. She found shelter from the storm that gave her a few sunny days. But those sunny days soon turned into horrendous storms. "I wish you were here dad" Spencer said. "Me too kiddo" David said. Spencer questioned if this was the weed talking. She looked over at the door he was standing their with a warm smile on his face. "I'm always going to be with you, so will Andy" David said. Spencer stayed quiet she didn't know how long this moment would last. "I'm always here with you sweetheart" David said. "I won't let her get away with this" Spencer said. David smiled gently sighing. "That's my girl...you're definitely a Hallow" David said. "I love you dad" Spencer said. "I love you too hun" David said. He kissed Spencer on the head before disappearing once again.
She got out of the bath not long after. Changing into some clothes fixing her hair she went downstairs. Louis and Harry were sitting on the sofa. Harry looked worried for Spencer. "What's going on" Spencer asked. "Daniel Ramirez would like to speak with you at the police station" Harry said. Spencer looked at Louis, he stood up. "The officer said to call them when you're ready" Louis said. Spencer nodded she sighed as she called the police station.
"Thank you for meeting with me today Ms. Hallow" Daniel said. She looked at a mirror. On the other side of the it was Harry and Louis. "Everything you say is recorded for the court" Daniel said. Daniel went quiet turning on the recorder. "Am I coming up with the questions to" Spencer said. Daniel chuckled. "Funny girl at that" Daniel said. "Look if you want me to say how neglectful that bitch was I'll say it can we hurry this along" Spencer said. "At what age did she neglect you" Daniel asked. "Six...a year later she got with Ben and that's when my dad started to discover her cheating" Spencer said. "When did the murder happen" Daniel asked. "It was the day after Christmas...I was coming back from my nans and their were police cars up and down the street I saw my mom crying out front with blood on her hands and Ben was comforting her" Spencer said. "Anything weird coming from Ben" Daniel asked. "He didn't look sad...almost happy...so did my mom she was a little sad then she smiled and kissed him they both looked happy" Spencer said. "Happy about?" Daniel asked. "Killing David Hallow, I was a wreck when I found out my only mom killed my dad the one person that never neglected me" Spencer said. She cried for a few minutes Daniel offered her a box of tissues. "I do the things I do to cope with the pain of those memories" Spencer cried. She was a crying mess in the room. "Get her out of their" Harry said. No one listened, he was about to enter the room when a guard stopped him. "I am Ms Hallows therapist I demand this to recess can't you see she's in distress" Harry said. The guard didn't say a word as Louis took him back over to the window. "Calm down" Louis said. Harry didn't want to be here just as much as Spencer.
"Ms. Hallow how long have you been in the care of Dr.Styles" Daniel asked. "A few months" Spencer said. "In those few months how are you dealing with the memories of your death of your father" Daniel asked. "Terrible...I haven't slept in months long before I arrived to Dr.Styles don't blame him for this he actually gives a fuck about me...I need a break" Spencer said.
Storming out of the room she ran out of the station. "Someone stop her" a guard said. "Let her go she's right she needs a break" Daniel said. The guard stopped going after her.
"Now what" Harry asked. "We give her time" Louis said. "What if time isn't on our side" Harry asked.
Spencer made it back to the house by cab. She lit a cigarette slamming the door shut. "Hey how did the-" Cierra asked. Spencer didn't want to speak to anyone. "What's wrong with Spencer" Jupiter asked. "She's a fallen angel" Cierra said. Jupiter looked sad she didn't like when other people were sad. Spencer locked her door and climbed to the roof. In her pocket she had a knife she held in moments like these. Moments of pure depression came back to haunt her. She's made friends with her sadness before. This time it's a reunion that needed to happen. She was welcomed with open arms.

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