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Louis was sleeping on the sofa with Evie of course. As he slept there was something strange that happened in his dream. He saw the baby his baby. The baby was beautiful almost to real that it freaked him out a bit. In the dream he wanted to reach out and touch his child, but it was like he was stuck to the floor. The baby started to cry he couldn't move to aid at the babies side. "Don't cry" Louis said. He took a step he wasn't stuck anymore taking his chance he went to go see the baby up close. Reaching the crib he saw the baby looking up at him with tear stains on the infants cheeks. Gently he ran a finger on the baby's cheek to calm the child more. the baby was swaddled in a white blanket when he touched the baby's cheek once again the blanket started to change. Louis removed his hand as he watched the blanket change color. It only took a few minutes like water color the blanket turned into a pastel pink. Louis eyes watered as he looked down at his daughter asleep in the crib. "I can't wait to meet you, Jupiter" Louis said. 

Louis was woken up from the dream he felt Harry shaking his shoulder. Louis groaned as he opened his eyes. "You must really love to sleep on this sofa" Harry said. Louis sat up the dream still ran through his head. "I saw her" Louis said. Harry looked confused while petting Evie. "Saw who" Harry asked. "The baby she was in my dream" Louis said. "That's normal durning pregnancy darling" Harry said. "It is" Louis asked. Louis thought to himself while looking at his stomach knowing that their baby is growing inside of him. He also smiled since he found his answer in the dream. "What's got you so smiley" Harry asked. "I guess you could say the baby looks like you" Louis said. "I'm sure the Larry Stans will be celebrating over that" Harry said. Louis shot a confused look to Harry. "What" Louis asked. "Never mind" Harry said. "Oh ok" Louis said. Evie shot a wink at Harry who chuckled while shaking his head. "How about you and I go take a walk" Harry said. Louis nodded while looking outside. "It does look like a nice day for it" Louis said. Harry grabbed both of their jackets since there was a slight breeze outside. "Where are we walking to" Louis asked. "Not sure...let's see where it takes us" Harry said.

Exiting the house Harry shut the door behind them before locking his house up. Louis waited for him by the gate then they were off on their walk. Evie looked out the window as she watched the two go down the street. "That cat is definitely half human" Louis said. "You think" Harry said. Louis just smiled at the older man while they walked. Harry took Louis to a special place that was close to his heart. "Why'd we stop here" Louis asked. Looking up at the flat he was standing next to. "I'd like you to meet some one" Harry said. "Who" Louis asked. "My mum" Harry said. "I can't meet your mum looking like this" Louis said. "Darling your perfect don't worry she'll love you" Harry said. Harry knocked on the door he waited outside for a moment before a lady in her early fifties opened the door. "Hi mum" Harry said. A smile lit up on the woman's face Harry walked inside the house soon after Louis. "What brings you here" She asked. "I wanted to introduce you to someone special to me" Harry said. She turned to Louis as she smiled at him. "You must be Louis it's so nice to finally meet you" She said. "Wait...Did Gemma tell you about him" Harry asked. The woman hesitated for a moment before nodding excitedly. "She told me while you were in Paris...I'm Anne" Anne said. "We also have something else to tell you" Harry said. Anne was quiet as she looked at her son. "Your going to be a grandmother" Harry said. Anne's eyes watered as she hugged the both of them. "I can't wait to meet my grandchild" Anne said. "She can't wait to meet you" Louis said. 

Shelter from the storm [LARRY STYLINSON]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora