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Now it's time for a break 🙃

Harry woke up first, checking his phone the nurse had arrived. He didn't want to wake his darling. "Darling...time to wake up" Harry whispered. Harry gently shook his loves shoulder Louis groaned as he kept his eyes shut. "Five more minutes hmm" Louis said. Harry laid back down with him giving him five more minutes. "Alright darling" Harry said. Resting his head on the soft pillow he shut his eyes. He didn't know when the five minutes was up. Opening his eyes an hour went by. Harry sat up again kissing his lovers cheek before getting out of bed. Changing his clothes to make himself look presentable. Going back to the bed he helped Louis out of bed. "No don't make me get up" Louis groaned. Holding him bridal style he carried him downstairs in a oversized shirt with some fuzzy socks on his feet. "Good morning Louis how are we today" Shelly asked. Louis looked at her in disgust, shelly laughed trying to enlighten the mood. "He's had a rough night he's still in pain from being frost bitten severely" Harry said.
Louis didn't say a word to either of them. The nurse hooked a iv to his arm. Louis didn't feel the needle pierce his arm. Shelly injected morphine into his IV. A small smile was hooked on his lips. "Thanks Shelly" Louis said. Looking over at Harry he didn't look at him for very long.
Jupiter ran over to Louis she was a happy little girl. "Dada" Jupiter said. Harry helped her up next to her dad she snuggled up close. "How's my baby" Louis asked. Jupiter kissed his cheek gently earning a smile from her dad. "I love dada" Jupiter said. "Dada loves you angel" Louis said. Louis eyes closed as he held his daughter close. Eventually Jupiter shut her eyes falling asleep next to her dad.
Evie joined in the fun by cuddling next to Jupiter.
Meanwhile Harry went to go do some work in his home office. A few new clients were coming to his office the following week. Holly and her grandmother went on a holiday. Luca was a groomsman in his sisters wedding. He opened a drawer pictures of Louis with Ben were scattered around. One picture he saw his face in it. On the back it read initiation night. It was Louis spread out on a table with restraints.
He took the pictures out to a rusty trash can. He took a lighter and watched the Polaroids catch fire. Dropping them in the trash. He lit up a cigarette taking a few hits before going back inside. He couldn't get that image out of his brain. At the door was Cierra. "Something wrong" she asked. "No I'm fine" Harry said. Harry left the house for a walk. Smoking another cigarette he stopped in front of a local pub. Walking in he took a seat the tender walked up to him. "What will it be" he asked. "Anything" Harry said. He looked him up and down with a smirk on his face. "What's a good looking guy like you here" he said. "I need a night away" Harry said. "You came to the right place ol Caroline here can make you feel nice" He said. A tray with white powder was in front of him. "She's all yours" He said. Snorting up the powder he felt better. Looking down at the tray he took a few more hits, Caroline did make anyone feel better. A smile played on Harrys face as he felt Caroline do wonders. "How do you feel" He asked. "Amazing" Harry said. Harry looked around to see a man looking at him. Harry left the pub around 2am entering the house Louis was asleep in their bed upstairs. He heard stumbling footsteps coming up the stairs. Louis sat up Harry crawled on the bed removing the covers he started to kiss his lover. "Darling I'm home" Harry stumbled. Louis smelt the reek of alcohol the moment Harry stepped into the room. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight" Louis said. Handing him a pillow and blanket he fell to the floor. Louis pushed him out of the room. Closing the door leaving him on the floor. "Please let me in" Harry said. Evie strutted up to him. "Don't even say it" Harry said. She rolled her eyes and bopped Harry on the head with her paw quite a few times. Before she walked into Jupiter's room. "I deserved that" Harry said.
Evie snuggled up with her little human Jupiter. "Come here E" Jupiter said. Evie walked over to the little girl and sat next to her. She cleaned her self before she shut her eyes. "Good night E" Jupiter said. Evie purred against the sleeping two year old. Evie loved the two year old she always has. Evie stayed all night with the sleeping girl. Evie maybe a salty girl to Harry but she can love the hell out of her little human Jupiter.

Shall I add more Evie moments into future updates.

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