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"Have you ever thought about the domestic abuse rates in England" Louis asked. "Half of my patients are abuse victims, of course I have" Harry said. Leaving the room to check on Jupiter. "Angel it's time for bed" Harry said. Jupiter pouted apparently she was in the middle of a tea party. "Your guests know it's time for the host to go to sleep" Harry said. Picking her up off the floor he brought her to her bed. "Princess Lola was about to tell a story" Jupiter said. "I guess you're going to wait for tomorrow just like everyone else" Harry said. "Princess Lola goes back to her bunny kingdom tomorrow" Jupiter said. Most people would end the conversation there. But not Harry. "Princess Lola can always come visit" Harry said. "She can only visit once a month because her dad needs her to help with her mother" Jupiter said. Jupiter then yawned her eyes slowly closed, Harry then kissed her head. Turning off the light he shut the door behind him.
Going back to his shared room with his husband. He saw him sitting on the bed with a laptop on his lap. "What's got you so invested" Harry asked. Louis looked up at his confused husband. "The domestic violence in this country is terrible" Louis said. Louis was thinking of opening a safe place for domestic abuse victims to go to if they are trying to get away from their partner who has been abusing them.
"I've been thinking of a place for domestic abuse victims to go and get shelter from their partner" Louis said. "I don't think that's a bad idea" Harry said. "It's about time domestic abuse victims had a safe place in England" Louis said. Harry joined him in bed. "I'll support you in this, I'm your husband aren't I" Harry said. Kissing his husbands lips. "You don't have to" Louis said. "If I hadn't found you in that alley you would've died" Harry said. Louis took that as a yes, closing his laptop. "To this day I'm grateful you know this" Louis said. Harry kissed the top of his head then turning out the lights. "If we did open a shelter for the abused what would you call it" Harry asked. "I don't know really, maybe Shelter from the storm" Louis said. "Why that name" Harry asked. "It feels like a horrendous storm that goes on for days without end, that's what abuse felt like for me"Louis said.

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