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Louis was enjoying his time with his daughter when the doorbell rang. He got up from the sofa to go answer the door. He froze when he saw her standing outside. "Mum" Louis said. She nodded with tears in her eyes. Louis invited her inside, she gasped when she saw Jupiter. "Is this Jupiter" she asked. "Papa who is she" Jupiter asked. "No one" Louis said. Harry entered the house behind her. "Did you bring her here" Louis asked. "don't worry darling it's ok" Harry said. "I saw Ian kill you...he told me you are dead" Louis said. "I've been alive this whole time" she said.

Louis came home from the university to see his mum tied up to a chair. Ian was standing next to the chair with a gun against her head. "Hello Louis, welcome home" Ian said. Louis glanced at his crying mum squirming in the chair. "Please let her go" Louis said. Ian shot her in the head leaving her dead.

"No, no I know what I saw" Louis said. "You ran out of the room when the police came" She said. Louis looked over at Harry and his daughter. "Maybe I am crazy" Louis said. Backing away from the three of them. Louis tried to escape but then he felt a sharp pain in his neck. "It's about time you knew darling" Harry said. Louis body felt numb as he was placed on the sofa. Harry didn't look like himself. Louis didn't recognize him not at all. "Mr.Tomlinson do you know where you are" Harry asked. Louis looked around everything looked so homey and familiar. "Home with you and Jupiter" Louis said. "Mr.Tomlinson...Jupiter doesn't exist" Harry said. "Of course she is I birthed her you're the father" Louis said. "Mr.Tomlinson what I am about to tell all of you may shock you" Harry said. All....What does he mean by all. "You've been living here at shelter from the storm Psych ward for two years now...all that time I played husband with you Jupiter is only a baby doll that we replace every few months" Harry said. "It's not true" Louis said. "It is...I'm very sorry that I kept this up for so long" Harry said. "Who brought me here" Louis asked. "Your lover Ian" Harry said. "Why" Louis asked. "He couldn't take care of all of you" Harry said. "All of me" Louis asked. "You have multiple personalities and schizophrenia" Harry said. "Who was Darlene" Louis asked. She walked in with sadden face. "She is a nurse here" Harry said.
It all made since every single part. Except a few things that didn't still tickled his and your minds. Louis deep down still loved Harry. "I don't want to believe this" Louis said. "I know it's a lot to take in" Harry said. "This life we had was all a lie" Louis said.

The word lie was sour on his tongue as he watched the man speak more and more. Lies lies lies lies

The end

Thank you all for reading Shelter from the Storm I loved writing this number. But the time has come to end this fantastic fanfic. I love you all so much. I hope you all enjoyed reading.

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