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The waiting game is a horrid game to play. Harry waited for his lover to open his eyes.

A few moments after the reunion of our two lovers Louis went limp once again. Shutting his eyes as he battled himself. "What's happening" Harry asked. "It seems the other half is still holding up a fight not giving up" She said. "How long will it last...has there been other cases like this" Harry asked. She nodded as she sighed. "Yes unfortunately from the same place LMI that Ben Olsen looks for a vulnerable victim to manipulate the last case was a sixteen year old girl Julia" She said. "What happened to her" Harry asked. "She's still fighting her other self but she's slowly becoming stable" she said.

Louis flinched in his sleep as a faint bruise showed on his forearm. "H-Harry" Louis whispered. His eyes still closed as he turned to his side. "Can he hear me" Harry asked. She nodded. "Loud and clear" she said. "I'm right here darling" Harry said. "Jup-Jupiter I-is she o-o-ok" Louis asked. "The stuttering is normal" She said. Louis eyes flicked open and shut again. Harry held his hand which was a bit colder than usual. "Body heat goes down when injected with the serum" She said. Louis teeth were chattering as he felt colder. A cold sweat was making its way down his forehead. "Jupiter is fine my love she's with the other babies in the nursery" Harry said. Harry gave Cierra a few days off to go see her family.

"Cierra" Louis asked. "She's with her family darling" Harry said. Louis hand  felt the warmth of Harry's in his. "W-warm" Louis said. "Are you cold darling" Harry asked. "L-like I-ice" Louis said. The nurse brought a heated blanket from a few doors down. The blanket was placed on his cold limp body.

The nurse left the two alone as she went to go aid other patients. Louis eyes opened for a moment looking at Harry. "H-Harry" Louis said. Harry smiled at the boy. Placing a kiss on his lips for a moment. "Hello my darling" Harry said. "I-I thought T-that I-I was goinggg t-to d-die" Louis said. Harry's heart broke a little when he heard that sentence. "I-I t-thought I-I w-wasn't g-going to see you again" Louis said. "I'm right here darling...touch my face I'm right here feel my heart beat" Harry said. Louis limp hand tried to make its way up to his chest. Harry held his hand up to his chest. "I-it b-beats for me" Louis asked. A tear leaked down his pale cheek. "All for you and Jupiter" Harry said.

"I-I love you" Louis said. Before blood ran down his nose with a black eye. "I-I H-have A-always l-loved y-you" Louis said. Harry kissed his hand gently as he helped clean up his face. Cut marks ran up his arms as they began to bleed out. The nurse came in again Harry and her helped with the wounds. "C-can I m-meet J-Julia" Louis asked. She nodded gently after tending his wounds.

She rolled in Julia on a wheelchair. "H-hi" Louis said. "H-hello" Julia said. Louis gently smiled or tried to smile at the girl. "G-glad to k-know I'm n-not the o-only one" Julia said. Louis laughed slightly before Julia was rolled back to her room.

Louis looked peaceful in the hospital bed. His eyes were closed breathing steady. Heart rate was at a normal pace. Until...

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