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"Please don't leave me" Harry cried. All night long Harry experienced night terrors from the awful events that happened hours prior. Harry spoke to the authorities about the events that happened to him the following day. Louis never left his side during that either. Louis looked at Harry's crying face as he got in close with him on his hospital bed. "I'm never leaving you, I'm right here" Louis whispered. Kissing his temple ever so often. Between the temple kisses Harry rested his eyes for a moment. "When can I go home" Harry asked. Louis knew the answer to that commonly asked question. "The nurse said you can go home tomorrow after the doctor comes back" Louis said. "Will you still be here when the doctor comes" Harry asked. "Of course I will, nothing bad will happen" Louis said.

Harry fell asleep a few moments later Louis hoped that he'd stay asleep for the night. Every so often Louis would squeeze his hand gently. "I'm still here" Louis said. Harry moved closer to Louis chest. Harry opened his eyes with sleep in them and said. "I saved you from the storm and you saved me right back" Harry said.

A couple days later a sunny day appeared. On the drive home Harry was looking out the window. "What are you thinking about" Louis asked. Harry sighed as he shut his eyes as the sun shown on his face. "Rain" Harry said. "Why'd you think that" Louis asked. "I don't feel sunny and warm, I feel cold and wet, that feeling you get when your down and out of it" Harry said. Louis took his right hand off the wheel and held Harry's hand as he drove.

Arriving at the house Louis parked the car in the garage. He got out of the car to help Harry. While Louis was helping Harry his phone rang. "Who is it" Harry asked. Looking at the phone it was Elizabeth, Holly's grandmother. "Don't answer it" Harry said. Louis furrowed his brow with a questionable look on his face. "Why, it's Holly" Louis asked. Harry's eyes grew a tone darker from his normal color. "I don't want to talk to anyone" Harry said. "That's not a very good answer" Louis said. "I just want to be alone in this house with you, I don't need anyone to come see me I just want you here with me" Harry said.

Harry stormed into the house, Louis froze from Harry's statement. Eventually Louis went into the house to see Harry waiting in the kitchen. "I am sorry for being a dick to you I didn't mean that" Harry said. "I understand" Louis said.

Shelter from the storm [LARRY STYLINSON]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang