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"Isn't that my robe" Cierra said. Harry didn't bother giving a fuck as he walked out to the rose garden. Rain was supposed to hit the area around noon. He didn't care about the weather these days. Harry sat down at the rose bench. Looking out into the thorny abyss. His hair was down to his shoulders now which he kind of liked. Louis didn't admire it as much as the rest. Jupiter always tugged at his growing locks whenever she could.
He felt sadness recently
and fear. Fear of reliving a horrendous event that happened years ago. He took a sip of the coffee in the mug he was holding. Harry didn't say anything as he sat out in the garden that morning.
The world around him faded as he sat out alone. His mind calmed down with the peace that surrounds him. He took out a cigarette from his pocket. Lighting it up the smoke flew past him. He knew smoking wasn't the solution to his problem. But he didn't give A fuck at the moment. Turning around he saw Spencer walking over to him. She joined him on the bench. "Mind if I smoke" She asked. Harry didn't say anything as took a hit of his cigarette. She lit up her joint that she rolled herself. "Why weed" Harry asked. "Every night is a good night to smoke weed" Spencer said. Harry chuckled taking another hit from his cigarette. "Why cigarettes" Spencer asked. "They're old school...like me" Harry said. "That's beautiful" Spencer said. "What is" Harry asked. "Saying that cigarettes are old school" Spencer said. "They've been around long before blunts have" Harry said. "So you're right" Spencer said. Spencer offered him a hit of the blunt. Harry declined. "Have you ever tried weed" Spencer asked. "A few times in college I was drunk off my ass at a party" Harry said. "Have you ever tried it again" Spencer asked. Harry shook his head taking a final hit from the cigarette. "Any other drugs" Spencer asked. "That's another story" Harry said. Spencer smoked her blunt again feeling the weed attack her lungs made her feel free. "What do you feel when you get high" Harry asked. "Numbness, a sense of freedom from this shitty world" Spencer said. Harry threw out his finished cigarette. He went back to enjoying the peace. "You sure you don't want a hit" Spencer asked. He hesitated before he took the blunt from her. Taking a hit he felt the freedom she described. "Ah fuck, how the hell do you like that" Harry asked. Coughing hysterically after the hit. "Cigarettes are more your speed" Spencer said. "You don't say" Harry said.
Louis and Cierra watched from the inside. "Shall we tell them" Cierra asked. Louis looked at Cierra who was holding his daughter. "Let them have their smoke breaks then we tell them" Louis said. Cierra nodded returning to look out the window.

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