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"I'll let him know that you called Holly" Louis said. He hung up the phone again. That was the third patient of Harry's that's called today. Harry came down the stairs in a fuzzy robe with bags under his eyes. "Dada" Jupiter said. Harry didn't notice that his daughter was waiting for him to pick her up. Louis picked her up instead sitting her in the high chair. "Cierra, Spencer breakfast" Louis said. Footsteps were heard coming from upstairs.
Louis was in charge on breakfast duty this morning. He picked up breakfast bagels from the bakery down the road. "Eat up everyone" Louis said. Harry took his bagel, cup of joe and went into the living room. "Cierra-" Louis said. "Don't worry I got her" Cierra said. She helped make Jupiter's bagel into smaller portions. She laid out a little bit of lite cream cheese on her plate. "That's all the cream cheese she gets" Spencer asked. "Yeah...Harry doesn't want me to over feed her" Cierra said. Spencer only ate her bagel with a smirk on her face.
Louis made his way into the living room. He noticed the coffee mug was still very much full. The bagel was untouched. "Harry" Louis said. His tired eyes shifted to his husband. "Why are you out of bed" Louis asked. "I wanted to see my daughter" Harry said. "I could've brought her up to you" Louis said. "I should've stayed upstairs...she probably didn't recognize me" Harry said. "She's always known you had long hair now it's just a bit longer" Louis teased. His hair was messily spread out as he laid on the sofa. Louis helped his husband up from the sofa. "How many people called today" Harry asked. "Three" Louis said. "Who all called" Harry asked. "Holly, Luca and Zoe she said that you have received a new referral" Louis said. "For fucks sake" Harry groaned. The phone rang yet again. Louis sat him down on the bed he answered the phone. "I'm sorry Zoe Harry can't come to the phone right now" Louis Said. Quick pause in the conversation as he listened to what Zoe had to say. "Alright I'll tell him...you to alright bye now" Louis said. By the time he set the phone down Harry was already sound asleep. He placed a weighted blanket on his husband. He kissed his tired weary head once more before leaving the room.
Cierra stood outside the door. "How's he doing" she asked. "He's sleeping" Louis said. "What did Hawthorn say" she asked. "He's going back on his meds, also needs lots of rest for a few days" Louis said. He went into Jupiter's room she wasn't there. "Relax she's in my room she was playing dolls and fell asleep" Cierra said. Louis went into Cierras room he saw Jupiter sleeping in her bed. He picked her up and took her back to her own room. After tucking her into bed he turned on her unicorn nightlight and closed the door. "Has she been good today" Louis asked. "She asked about Harry a few times" Cierra said. "What about" he asked. "What's wrong, why is he still in bed" Cierra said. Louis only nodded then checking on Spencer.
Her window was open she was sitting on the balcony. Louis sat next to her quietly not wanting to scare her. "It's all my fault that Harry is like that" Spencer said. Louis shook his head, "No it has nothing to do with you by any means" he said. "Why does it happen now when something like this is happening" Spencer said. Louis sighed he looked out. "A traumatic experience happened to him when we first met he puts on a persona that makes you believe that he is positive but sometimes something snaps inside his mind that makes him have a breakdown" Louis said. The wind blew throughout the city that night. "I always thought he was such a positive person with a heart of gold...but he's a broken soul with a heart of gold wanting to get fixed" Louis said. The rose garden was starting to bloom once again. A beautiful red color was showing through the snow. A velvet rose petal was breathing the cold air. A thorn pierced the cold air as a murderous hello to the outside world. The thorn on the rose brought evil to a happy world. The rose was paired with the murderous thorn till it's dying day. Louis thought about life before Harry how he was stuck with a cold murderous man who didn't give damn about him. Louis felt loved by Harry, he would do anything to protect him and his family.

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