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^Luca's LockScreen pic of Dawson^


Luca Alderson was first on the patient list. Luca hasn't had a appointment in a few months. Luca was sitting in the waiting room when Harry walked out. Luca had a smile on his face. Which surprised Harry a little. Luca followed Harry down to his office. Luca sat down on a chair next to a window. "How are you today Luca" Harry asked.

"I'm good...I'm actually happy" Luca said. "What's the source" Harry asked. "I came out as gay...I was worried for a while that my sister wouldn't accept me...I actually have been seeing someone before I came out his name is Dawson he makes me feel all sorts of things" Luca said. Harry smiled as he saw a happy Luca before him.

"How does Dawson feel about you" Harry asked. "He loves me" Luca said. "Do you love him" Harry asked. Luca nodded he had a blushed face. Luca looked down at his phone his lock screen was a picture of the boy. You could see the love in Luca's eyes.

"How is everything with you and you're sister" Harry asked. "Were good...she was the first to know I was gay" Luca said. "How'd she feel" Harry asked. "She accepted me" Luca said. "That's good that you're sister still loves you" Harry said.

After Luca's session Harry went back to his office. Opening the door sat a man in a suit. He looked very professional. The man looked back at Harry. He knew who the man was. "I've given you all the time you needed to bring him back to London" He said. The man was Ben Olsen. He ran the London Mental institute. "I can't do it to him I found him I'm keeping him" Harry said. "He's not a dog or some shiny toy" Ben shouted.

"He's too vulnerable as it is I can't do that to him..." Harry said. "You're in love with him aren't you? " Ben said. Harry didn't say anything as Ben began pacing back and forth. "I told you never to get in a relationship with him here we are In a can't go back situation" Ben said. Harry said nothing as he continued to take Bens yelling.

"I should've been the one to do the job not you...I should've known you'd fuck it up" Ben said. "Did you find him in a alley way no I did I found him frozen and cold battling his own self" Harry said. "He thinks his boyfriend is real...he thinks you actually care for him when you're pretending..." Ben shouted. "It's not longer pretend I love him and he loves me" Harry said.

"You have until the end of the week to bring him to London" Ben said. "I can't do that" Harry said. "If you don't the police and I will take him by force" Ben said. "What can I do" Harry said. Ben held out a small glass tube filed with a clear liquid. "Have him drink this it will make him sleep then bring him to London" Ben said. Harry took the tube from Ben and set it on his desk.

Ben could feel the sadness in the room. "It's a schizophrenic parasite we're dealing with here, man up he can't love...your boy is a freak and so are you" Ben said. Ben left the room leaving Harry to fall to his knees. Harry couldn't do this to him. He'd hate himself for the rest of his days. He can't imagine what would happen if he did end up turning him in. He had to leave town he had to shelter him from the storm that was coming.

Harry hurried home to find Louis nowhere to be seen. Harry started to worry even more. He ran up the stairs into Jupiter's room. Nothing. "Cierra" Harry shouted. Opening her door she was tied up in a closet with duck tape over her mouth. Harry untied her taking the tape off of her mouth. "Where's Louis" Harry asked. "Some man took him and Jupiter" Cierra said.

Harry knew where Ben took his lover and daughter. "Call the police tell them-" Harry said. Before a brick flew through the window breaking the glass. "Are you ok" Harry asked. Cierra nodded Harry got up to see what the brick had on it. You know where to find me.  Harry didn't waste time to rush out the door and drive to London.

The time was eleven at night anxiety was rushing through him. He didn't know what Ben would do to his daughter and lover. He only had a matter of time before a horrific thing happened.

To be continued...

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