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Louis didn't say another word as he sat on the balcony alone with nothing but the blowing of the winter wind. All he thought about was the fact that the baby could be Ian's. That horrified him to the bone. Every time Louis has a sunny day it's always ruined by a brutal storm.
His journal sat near him he didn't touch it. But he did feel the lifeless object staring right at him. Rolling his eyes he picked up the journal and started writing.
Dear Journal
Let's cut to the chase. I'm scared shitless because I found out that I was pregnant and a female. Harry might say that I was exaggerating. But I maybe am just a little bit. But I'm still pretty scared about having this baby. Since I don't know who's it is.
Louis set the journal back down on the table. He didn't care to write his feelings at the moment.
Instead he went out for a walk just like old times to clear his mind. He ended up at Gemma's flat. He knocked on her door she immediately opened it. "Come on in...wheres my brother" Gemma asked. "At the hotel" Louis said. He took a seat at the table. "Care for some tea" Gemma asked.

He nodded the warmth of tea would soothe his cold mind. "Is everything fine between you two" Gemma asked. "I'm pregnant" Louis said. Gemma almost dropped her tea cup before she set it on the counter and turned to him. "You're What" Gemma asked. "Pregnant...with either my ex's or Harry's baby" Louis said. "Is he the dead one your ex" Gemma asked. "How'd you know about that" Louis said. "I'll go back to the tea" Gemma said.
The two talked about everything until a knock on the door made them quiet. "If it's Harry don't let him see me I look like a crying baby" Louis said. "He loves you either beautiful or ugly" Gemma said. Gemma opened the door and immediately Harry planted a kiss on his lips. "She's right" Harry said.
Louis tried to look away but Harry didn't let that happen.

Harry and Louis went back to the hotel after saying their goodbyes to Gemma. "This trip has been a adventure" Harry said. Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry kissed the top of his head. "I know your tired...I am too" Harry said. "This pregnancy thing is stressing me out and I just found out plus I don't know who the father is" Louis said. Harry knelt in front of Louis caressing his face. "It doesn't matter to me who the father is...if it's me I'm grateful but If it's his I'll love the child either way" Harry said. "Why are you so loving" Louis said. "Because it's who I was raised to be darling...I know you love me being loving to you" Harry said.
Louis couldn't deny the truth he knew the truth to that answer. Louis loved Harry with every loving bone in his body. He knew Harry would be a amazing father to their son or daughter.

Early morning was when the two caught their flight back to London. The sunrise was peaking through the plane blinds. Through out the entire flight their hands were intertwined. Every now and then Harry would kiss Louis hand. Louis would kiss Harry's hand so Harry wouldn't feel left out. "Rest your head on my shoulder darling" Harry said. Louis shut his eyes as the plane ride home felt like a dream.

Sweet dreams

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