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^Spencer Hallow^

Harry arrived at his office, he greeted everyone who worked there with him. Around nine Luca was on time for his appointment. "Come on back" Harry said. Luca looked at the boy sitting next to him. Luca and the boy got up together walking as they held each others hand. Harry could tell something was wrong. He had a feeling word got around about Luca's sexuality.
"I see you brought someone with you" Harry said. "I'm Dawson, Luca's boyfriend" Dawson said. Luca put on a sad smile. "How has everything been for you Luca" Harry asked. Dawson gave his boyfriend a sympathetic smile. "Remember everything you say here is between us" Harry said. Luca nodded trying to hold back tears.
"I told my dad that I was gay, he told me I was a worthless human for being gay...that my mother won't love me no one loves me or wants me" Luca said. "When did you tell him" Harry asked. "He called from jail he spoke to my sister then me that's when I told him" Luca said. Dawson held his boyfriends hand as he held back tears. "Feel free to cry" Harry said. Dawson rubbed his lovers back as Luca started to cry.

"You're so brave Luca" Dawson said. Dawson held his lover in his arms as he cried on his chest. Harry let the couple have their moment before he asked a question. Harry saw a beautiful life between Luca and Dawson. Young love is a beautiful thing to witness.

Dawson whispered something in his lovers ear. Kissing his cheek gently, Luca lifted his head up. His face was tear stained. "How are you feeling about telling your dad" Harry said. "I feel free, that I can love who I want and be who I want sexually without being scared that someone will shun me for it" Luca said. Dawson looked at his lover with hearts in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you Babe" Dawson said. Making Luca blush madly his lover squeezed his hand gently.

After Luca's session he scheduled his next appointment. Dawson and Luca left the building. Harry's next patient was a new one...her name is Spencer. Her profile said she is a seventeen year old high school student. Her file also says she was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. She copes the depressed episodes by smoking weed and vaping.

Spencer's appointment started at noon. Which was in five minutes. Harry walked out to the main lobby he didn't see anyone. A puff of smoke was seen passing the window. Harry went out to see a girl sitting outside with a vape. "Spencer Hallow " Harry asked. "Who's asking" She said. "I'm Harry styles your therapist" Harry said. Spencer stood up as she took a hit from her vape pen. Blueberry scented smoke flew away in the wind.

Spencer walked past Harry. Walking inside his office she sat down on a chair. Harry walked over to his desk after shutting his office door. "So how does this work you tell my doctor that I'm a crazy cunt and I'm bipolar then send me away to a camp" Spencer said. Taking another hit of her vape pen. Harry took the vape pen from Spencer. "Hey" Spencer cried. "Your parents may put up with this shit but I don't" Harry said.

Spencer crossed her arms against her chest. Rolling her eyes she looked around the room. "Rule number one no smoking in my facility" Harry said. Spencer rolled her eyes again shoving her vape pen in her pocket. "Rule number two no being rude to any of the staff here" Harry said. Spencer put a fake smile on her face acting like she understands.
Harry had a case of inpatient treatment that Spencer was showing signs of. In his early years of his career he did a inpatient job. That patient was Holly. Harry smirked at the attitude ridden Spencer. "What" Spencer asked.
Spencer and Harry drove to his home. "Fucking inpatient" Spencer said. "Either that or I send you to a camp" Harry said. Arriving at the house Spencer slammed the car door shut. Harry opened the trunk up Spencer got her things out of the back. "You got kids or something a wife a spoiled cat" Spencer said. She was right about the kids and cat part but she was wrong about the wife. 100% wrong.

Harry opened the door to the inside of the house. Spencer walked inside she looked around. "Daddy home daddy home" Jupiter shouted. She ran up to her dad. Jupiter looked at the stranger standing next to her dad. "Jupiter this is Spencer" Harry said. "Hey squirt" Spencer faked a smile. Jupiter smiled at Spencer. "She smell like blueberry" Jupiter said. "I have jolly ranchers" Spencer said. "Candy candy can I have some please daddy" Jupiter said. Kissing his daughters cheek before sending her off.
"You named your daughter after a fucking planet" Spencer said. Evie strutted up to the both of them. She sat before Spencer. "Hi kitty" Spencer said. She got down to Evies level.
Evie liked the person Spencer was she could sense the sadness was approaching.
"Harry who are you talking to" Louis asked. Louis looked at Spencer up was trying to find her vape pen. "Hi I'm Spencer" Spencer said. "I'm Louis" Louis said. Spencer walked over to the kitchen leaving her bags on the floor. "Who is that and why is she here" Louis asked. "She is Spencer my patient she will be staying with us for a while" Harry said.
Spencer went into the living room. It was a spacious room. "Holy sh-" Spencer said. "Excuse me there is a child in the room" Cierra said. "Excuse me I'm trying to cuss so cover her ears" Spencer snapped. Spencer took out her vape pen, bringing it up to her lips. "No smoking in here" Cierra said. Spencer shot Cierra a bird before taking a hit of her pen. "So how long have you been fucking the boss" Spencer said. Cierra looked shocked by Spencer's words.
"I'm the nanny" Cierra said. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't bother asking" Spencer said. Spencer took a seat on the expensive sofa lifting her feet on the leather seats. She continued to smoke blowing her vape over the room. "Want to take a hit" Spencer asked. Holding out her vape pen. "No" Cierra shot back. Spencer chuckled at Cierra. "Stuck up bitch" Spencer whispered to herself. "You want weed, Xanax, opioids I got you sweetheart" Spencer said. Cierra rolled her eyes at Spencer. "I don't do drugs" Cierra said.
Spencer walked up to Cierra, her eyes looked scared. "Look princess you don't have to like me but I'm here for a while get used to it sweetheart" Spencer kissed her cheek she winked before walking back to the sofa.
Harry and Louis came back into the room. "Let me show you to your room Spencer" Harry said.

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