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Three days later

"You will be great...I promise" Harry said. Louis was meeting with the city council to discuss a shelter. "Case number 22028 to the stand" Darlene said. Louis stood up and walked towards the podium. Harry, Jupiter, Cierra and Anne were there to support him. "Good morning everyone I am Louis Tomlinson, I represent the abused, the people who are afraid to use their voice and find help to get away from their violent partners" Louis said. "I see, here that you Mr. Tomlinson are asking to build a shelter for the domestic abuse victims of this city, why do you think it is time for the city to do something about domestic abuse" Darlene said. "Yes, I have been abused myself by my ex boyfriend a few years ago...during that time I found the courage to run away and escape the life I once had" Louis said. He looked at the committee of council members before continuing. "I believe now is the right time for the city to have a shelter for the domestically abused because the rates have increased years prior and they are still rising, young and old are feeling helpless as they take the abuse from their partners or caretakers, the city of London needs a shelter for those people" Louis said. "Thank you  Mr. Tomlinson the committee and I will reach out to you in the next few days to discuss what the next steps will be to begin the process" Darlene said. "So the shelter is approved" Louis asked. Darlene smiled as she nodded, "I to was a domestic abuse victim in my twenties with my boyfriend at the time, it's about time for change in the city...congratulations Mr.Tomlinson" Darlene said. Darlene and The committee left the room. The room bursted in cheers as Louis cried with happiness. "I'm so proud of you darling" Harry said. "I was nervous as hell but I did it" Louis said. Earning a hug from Anne, "I'm so proud of you Louis, I knew you were a good one" Anne said. Jupiter smiled at her dad as she hugged him. "We are all so proud of you darling" Harry said. "Thank you all for coming to this" Louis said. "Let's go home and celebrate" Harry said.
Arriving at the house colleagues of Harry's were at the house. "Congratulations Louis" Sara said. "Thank you again for coming everyone" Louis said. Louis escaped to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. "Louis" Harry said. Entering the room his husband was out cold. He couldn't blame him, he's been working on this for months. Now that it is over he can finally get some sleep. Harry was proud of the work that Louis has brought to the domestically abused.
By the time Louis woke up it was the next day. "Look who's finally up" Harry teased. "I cant believe I slept through the party" Louis said. Harry kissed his lovers head gently. "Well you didn't miss much" Harry said.
Louis pulled Harry on the bed with him. "Thank you" Louis said. Harry kissed his husbands head. "For what" Harry asked. "For never leaving me" Louis said. "I could never leave someone so darling" Harry said. "You know what I mean" Louis said. "Do I" Harry smirked. Louis only rolled his eyes. "You love to tease me" Louis said. "You love my teasing" Harry said.

Shelter from the storm [LARRY STYLINSON]Where stories live. Discover now