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Louis woke up the next morning with frost bite on his fingers. He didn't notice over night he was frost bitten until he woke up moments ago. His stomach grumbled more and more as the morning went on. Getting up off the cold ground Louis decided to go find some food. Looking up at the pretty house he hoped that there could be a trace of food somewhere. Louis walked out from the alley to the back of the house where he saw a plate of food sitting on a picnic bench. He hadn't had a clue on who left the food but boy was it good. On the plate there was freshly made pancakes side of eggs and bacon with a cup of OJ. Louis looked up at the house as he quickly took the plate with him so he wouldn't get caught. Louis ran back to his hiding place in the alley way where he continued to eat the delicious food. The flavors of the eggs were well made along with the other food. Louis hadn't had a well cooked meal since he first met Ian.

Louis was finishing up his plate and OJ when he decided to go put back the stolen plate and cup. Being cautious Louis put the plate and cup back on the table and quickly ran away. Not looking back at the beautiful house he went to go hide again in his alley way. The need for food grew less and less as the morning went on. He didn't know who's food that was but Louis was full after that meal. When Louis was walking back to his alley way he noticed a blanket not a  little blanket. A blanket that was meant to hold heat and keep you warm. Louis wrapped the blanket around his frail body immediately the blanket did it's job.

The wind picked up again causing a colder breeze to swing through the Cheshire area which made Louis even miserable. Louis teeth chattered again as the breeze started to take the warmth from the blanket. "Come back warmth please" Louis whispered. Louis tightly tried to get the warmth back from the blanket it never came. As night came around the cold air returned along with the snow fall. Louis couldn't take another night out in the cold. Looking up towards the sky Louis prayed for a savior to come and give him shelter. From there Louis tried to get some sleep to try and survive the next day.



Day after day a boy has been staying outside my house. The first day he was there Harry thought why not leave a plate of breakfast and watch him like a predator to it's prey. So that's what he did that morning Harry made a well done breakfast and left it outside. Going back up to the window facing the alley it didn't take long for the boy to go looking for food.

The boy looked extremely hungry and cold from the awful weather outside. Putting on his coat Harry quickly went out to the alley the boy was in. Placed a blanket in his bag. Looking around at the boys set up he didn't have anything at all. "Who would want to live like this" Harry whispered to himself. Not a moment more he heard the boy come rushing back.

Harry ran back into the house almost tripping on ice in the process. Closing the door behind him softly. Looking down at his feet his cat Evie was looking up at him. "I wouldn't go out there fur ball" Harry said. Evie walked away towards the sofa. Harry made himself some tea and took a seat on the sofa as well.

The fireplace was going which made it much more cozier. Looking outside to find it snowing much harder than before. Harry suddenly felt the urge to go see if the boy was alright.

Going up to his room where the alley was in view he saw the boy looking frost bitten. The boys legs were turning pink along with his entire face. Harry had to do something. That night he did something so courageous.

"Evie I'm going out there to help that boy" Harry said. Picking Evie up showing her the poor boy. "You be nice to our guest" Harry said. Letting Evie go she took her place on the bed. Harry went back downstairs to get his coat and gloves on.

Walking outside towards the alley. He saw the boy looking around. "Oh I'm sorry I'll move" he said. "No it's alright I was just take a walk" Harry said. "In the cold" He asked. Harry started to walk past the freezing boy. Then he stopped he turned around.

"Do you have any place to stay tonight" Harry asked. The boy shook his head with defeat. "Come with me it's way to cold to be out here" Harry said. The boy tried to stand up, Harry helped him inside.

Closing the door behind them. Harry helped the boy towards the sofa. The boy looked around seeing different art pictures. "Would you like something to eat" Harry asked. The boy nodded immediately while looking down at his hands.

Harry went into the kitchen to make the boy some well made food. Coming back to the living room with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The boy looked at the bowl of soup. "Can I eat" he asked. "Of course you can why would you ask that" Harry asked. The boy didn't say anything else he started to eat the soup.

Never looking up at me he still ate his food like someone was going to take it away. When he was done with the soup he looked at his hands again. "Was it good" Harry asked. The boy nodded quickly again too quick like someone was holding a gun to his head.

Looking at the boy he had bruises all over his face. "How'd you get those bruises" Harry asked. The boy stayed quiet Harry wondered what was causing him to not talk. "Don't be scared you can tell me" Harry said. "I hit my head on the door" He said.

A big bruise the size of a hand print was on the side of his face. Harry lightly touched the boys face. The boy winced a little at Harry's touch. "How long have you had the bruise" Harry asked. The boy didn't say anything as he looked up at Harry. Holding up 2 fingers and mouthing the word years.

"You've had the bruises for two years" Harry said. The boy nodded with sadness at the memories of Ian. "Who did this to you it obviously wasn't a door" Harry asked. The boy remained quiet as he looked at Harry.

"You don't have to tell me now I understand" Harry said. Harry took the bowl back into the kitchen. Came back with a pair of clothes. "I thought you might want to change out of the those wet clothes" Harry said.

He set the clothes next to the boy. "The bathroom is down the hall" Harry said. The boy stood up with the clothes in hand and walked down to the bathroom. Leaving Harry in the living room.

Shelter from the storm [LARRY STYLINSON]Where stories live. Discover now