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Harry was left alone at the house after Cierra, Jupiter and Louis went to the park. He called up a old friend of his...a mentor that helped him in college. "Tell me what happened between you and him" Sebastian asked. Harry sighed as he started to speak. "I came home drunk one night after I had some drugs I reeked of alcohol" Harry said. "Was it the first time you blacked out when you drank" Sebastian asked. "I kissed the nanny he got mad about that" Harry said. "Why did you decide to go drinking that night" Sebastian asked. "I was stressed because of all I've of it" Harry said. "This homeless boy you brought into your life is that why your stressed" Sebastian asked. "He wasn't homeless he was abused I gave him a place to call home and maybe fell in love with him" Harry said. Sebastian took a sip of his water.
"You stress so much because you love him and your family" Sebastian said. Harry nodded sighing. "How old is your daughter" Sebastian asked. Looking at his paperwork. "Jupiter" Sebastian asked. "She turned two while her own dad was in the hospital fighting for his life due to a scumbag who tried to kill him I was filled with anxiety everyday thinking whether or not he was going to die" Harry cried. Tears fell from his eyes. Sebastian moved a tissue box over to Harry. Harry took a tissue to wipe his eyes drying his face. "It's ok to cry..." Sebastian said. "Everyday in that hospital I stayed strong for my family, When Jupiter was asleep that's when I cried the most because I was fighting back to keep the tears from falling" Harry said.
"We are strong for those who can't when my wife had cancer I was strong for her" Sebastian said. "His body was covered in bruises by the docile Ben Olsen" Harry said. "He injected him with the clear liquid" Sebastian said. Harry nodded looking over at Sebastian. "I struck him back with the same liquid killing him on the spot he deserved to die for what he did" Harry said. The memory of Harry killing Ben came back into his mind. "You killed Ben Olsen to save your lovers life" Sebastian asked. Harry nodded..."he deserved it what he did to the little girl proves his Fait" Harry said "what little girl" Sebastian asked. "Julia...he did the same by injecting her with the clear liquid she almost died but she was found in time" Harry said.
Harry looked out the window the snow was falling once again. "What's going on in your mind" Sebastian asked.
Harry's attention motioned back to Sebastian. "The day I met him it was snowing he looked so vulnerable...I set a plate out for him seconds later it was gone I looked around he was eating the food like a stray scared dog it wasn't long before he put the plate back he went back to his spot in the alley I set out a blanket for him...I remember that every year around this time" Harry said. Sebastian continued to listen to Harry's memories. "He's grateful for you" Sebastian said. "I gave him shelter" Harry said. "From what" Sebastian asked. "The storm of his life he's been battling for so long he needs a break from it all" Harry said. "Take him on a holiday" Sebastian said. Harry smiled a little thinking of the first holiday the two went on. The trip to Paris was the first trip they'd ever went on together. Not only that but it was when Louis found out he was pregnant with Jupiter.
Harry left Sebastians office around four pm. He got home to see Louis playing with Jupiter. "How are my favorite people today" Harry asked. "Daddy" Jupiter said. Harry picked up his daughter kissing her tiny face multiple times making her laugh. Louis stood next to them kissing Harry's lips.
"How'd everything go with Sebastian" Louis asked. "How'd everything go with Cierra at the park" Harry asked. Let's just say they both had therapy sessions today. They both smiled at each other. Harry pulled Louis in for another meaningful kiss. "I've been thinking let's get out of the country for a while" Harry said.
"Who will watch Jupiter" Louis asked. "Darling...she's coming with us we're going on a holiday as a family" Harry said. "Where are you taking us" Louis asked.
Where shall they go for there holiday?

Shelter from the storm [LARRY STYLINSON]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin