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Lights flashed on the streets outside of Harry's home. Louis arose from the bed as he walked out the house. "Lets go on a little stroll" Louis said. The air was cold due to the recent snowfall. Walking down the street he didn't feel cold he felt numb like a cold hug was wrapped around him. His skin was turning pink from the icy air but he didn't feel the coldness biting him. Continuing down the road he stopped in front of a park bench. He sat down on the bench. Across the street he saw a man...a familiar man at that. The man was around Ian's height. He thought he died from the incident. He didn't know if this was a dream or a reality. His heart rate sped up as the man came closer. "Come with me" He said. "I don't know who you are" Louis said. The man held his hand out "Take my hand I promise I won't bite" He said. Louis took his hand the man led him down the street to a building that sounded like it had music playing. "Care to join me" He asked. "I've got nowhere else to go...could this be a dream" Louis asked. "It could be a dream or a reality it's up to you" He said.

The man led him inside a warm atmosphere filled the air as Louis followed the man. "Take a seat if you'd like" He said. A sofa showed up out of nowhere Louis sat down. "How far along are you" He asked. How'd he know I was pregnant Louis thought. "You've got that pregnancy glow sweetheart" He said. "How do you know who I am" Louis asked. "I'm no one I'm just a simple guy" He said. The man had a charm like Harry he could swindle anyone. "Do I know you from somewhere" Louis asked. "Maybe" He said. "Is this a fever dream" Louis asked. Brining the drink up to his lips the man looked at Louis. "Who knows" He said. "Why did you bring me here" Louis asked. "You brought yourself here" He said. "Tell me if this is a dream or not" Louis asked. "I don't make the rules" He said. The man lit a cigarette he had a smirk on his face. "Would you tell me where I am" Louis asked. "You're somewhere" He said. "Somewhere isn't a place" Louis said. "It could be I mean this is a somewhere, I'm a someone, and this is a some place" He said. "Your not making any sense" Louis said. "But I'm right aren't I" He said. "I'm leaving whatever this place is" Louis said. "Good luck with that" He said.

Louis went towards the door he fell down a hole into complete darkness. Until he reached a door. He opened the door their stood Harry in a tux. "Look who finally arrived" Harry said. Louis went up to Harry the sparkle in his eye wasn't there. "How long have you been waiting" Louis asked. "Not long but don't you look beautiful" Harry said. Louis looked around he didn't recognize the place it wasn't familiar. "What Is this place" Louis asked. "It's our wedding day silly" Harry said. "Wedding day but when did you" Louis asked. "I took care of it all I didn't want to stress you or our daughter out" Harry said. "I don't remember any of this" Louis said. "It's not about remembering it's about being in the moment sweetheart" Harry said. Harry never called me sweetheart Louis thought. A little girl walked up behind Harry she signed to him. "Daddy is just being silly he remembers us" Harry said. "Who is she" Louis asked. "Don't you remember she's our daughter Jupiter" Harry said. "Is this a joke or something I don't remember none of this" Louis said. "Are you feeling alright sweetheart" Harry asked. Louis fell back into a chair he was sweating trying to remember what is happening. He then saw Harry walk up to him. "Try to remember us sweetheart" Harry asked. "You're not the real Harry" Louis said. "Of course I am" Harry said. Harry turned his head towards him he wiped a tear away that was running down his cheek. "You need to give up control and come back to me sweetheart" Harry said. "Control" Louis asked. "None of this is real..." Louis said. "Of course it is" Harry said. "No you're not" Louis said. Louis laid his head on Harry's lap. "Why can't I wake up from this awful dream" Louis asked. "It's a reality sweetheart" Harry said. "I want to go back to the gloomy world not here" Louis said. Louis tried to wake himself back up. "Why isn't anything working" Louis asked. "It's a reality" Harry said. "How do I know if it's a dream" Louis asked. 

This Harry didn't want Louis to leave him he tried everything to make him stay but he knew that the convincing won't work. "I don't want you to leave me" Harry said. Louis looked at him strangely. "I don't belong here" Louis said. "You do belong here" Harry said. Louis shook his head as he started to rock back and forth. He shut out the dream Harry's voice as he thought about the real one. The one that saved him, loved him, and sheltered him from the storm. 


In the dark he sat watching Harry sleep in the shared bed. Looking around he didn't know if the night mare was over. His heartbeat slowed down a bit standing up inching towards the bed where Harry was sleeping he lightly touched him. A groan escaped from Harrys lips. "What's the matter darling" He asked. "I need some therapy" Louis said. 

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