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Two years

It's been two years since Louis was admitted into the hospital. The doctors are slowly giving up. Louis has asked to go home. Every night around six night terrors begin. Harry try's to comfort him but they just get worse. The other self died off a week prior. The after effects have kicked in. All the things the other self said is still playing with his mind.

Louis changed a bit. For starters he can't walk very good. Since the other side broke them. He laid in silence on the bed. Looking at a blank white wall. "Is Jupiter ok" Louis asked. "She's here with us" Harry said. Harry went teary eyed trying to hold them back. "She's learning to walk" Harry said. A small smile was on the boys face. "That's fantastic" Louis said. His face turned towards Harry.

"Are we still getting married" Louis asked. Harry took his hand gently. "Yes my darling" Harry said. Louis smiled weakly as he felt a kiss on his hand. Harry didn't know how long Louis had but he didn't want to be sad.

"Mr. Styles a word please" she said. Harry got up from the chair he went out to the hallway. "Something wrong" Harry asked. "The doctor has decided to send him home...there's nothing more we can do here" she said. Harry looked back into the room to a sleeping Louis. "Are you fucking kidding me" Harry said. "Sir" she said. "We've been here for two years fuck..." Harry said. "I know you're upset but it's for the best" she said.

Harry sighed loudly as a bomb was about to blow. "Really...you really want him to die in his own home" Harry said. "He will be living at home we will be there everyday" she said. "You've given up to make room for a new dying person fuck this hospital" Harry said. Harry barged back into the room. "Harry" Louis said.

"This hospital is throwing us out" Harry said. Louis didn't say a word as he turned his head towards Harry. "It's about time we left this place" Louis said. Harry weakly smiled at his lover.

By that afternoon the three of them left the hospital. "It's snowing Just like the day we met in that alley" Louis said. The snow piled up along the road. Christmas music was playing on the drive home. Jupiter was sleeping in her car seat.

Once arriving home Harry helped Louis into the house. He went back to go get Jupiter out of her car seat. "Welcome home baby doll" Harry said. "Daddy" Jupiter said. He kissed her cheek gently before heading inside.

The house was warm for December. Louis was sitting on the sofa looking at the fireplace. Harry started the fireplace then he sat his daughter on his lap. "Where's Evie daddy" Jupiter asked. "She's around here somewhere" Harry said. Evie jumped on the sofa next to them. Jupiter's face lit up. "Kitty" Jupiter said.

Louis smiled weakly at the sight of his two year old daughter. "When did we get married" Louis asked. "On a beautiful July day last year you were glowing" Harry said. "What day is it" Louis asked. "Christmas eve my darling" Harry said. It was a special day for the two of them. The day Harry gave him shelter him from the storm.

"The day you saved me two years ago" Louis said. Harry kissed his lovers lips gently. "I love you darling" Harry said. "I love you Harry" Louis said. Louis held his hand in his weak one. Jupiter got in between the two of them. "Come cuddle me flower" Louis said. Harry joined them as he cuddled his two worlds.

The clear liquid that bastard injected Louis had many side effects. Memory loss, fatigue, and aphasia which means he can't talk very well at times. "How old is Jupiter" Louis asked. "She's two my darling...our beautiful girl is growing up" Harry said. Harry felt his lovers hand grow limp. Harry carried him up the stairs. "Be a good girl I'll be back in a minute Ju" Harry said. Evie winked at her owner, she's in good hands or paws.

"Why did this have to happen to me" Louis asked. Harry stopped at the entrance of their bedroom. Gently he laid him on the bed. "I-I wish I could've prevented this" Harry said. "Don't blame your self" Louis said. Caressing his cheek Harry looked at his love. "I'll be alright" Louis said. Kissing the inside of his hand Louis giggled softly at the feeling of his lovers lips on his palm.

Harry was about to head downstairs when he heard Cierra with Jupiter. He knew she was safe from the bad. "Come lay down with me" Louis said. Harry crawled into the bed. Louis felt his lovers presence in the bed as it dipped. "Please don't leave me" Louis said. "Darling you'll never be alone" Harry said. "Promise" Louis said. "Promise" Harry said.

As they cuddled together Louis had a sudden urge for sweets from a bakery. "Can we go to the bakery you took me to when you rescued me" Louis asked. Harry smirked with a chuckle. "Anything for you darling" Harry said. Kissing the lips of his lover. Every kiss they shared was always a fire in their hearts. A fire that would never go out.

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