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The candle burned as Louis wrote in his journal. He wrote about Jupiter and how happy she made Harry and him. Evie crawled on the desk as he wrote. Evie is always watching over Louis. "Hey pretty girl" Louis said. Petting her coat she sat on the desk. Evie rubbed her head up against his hand.

"Alright alright you needy thing" Louis said. Petting her again she purred during the process. "You're always looking for attention" Louis said. Evie shut her eyes and took a cat nap.

Dear Journal
It's been a while but I'm a mother now. She's a beautiful little girl Jupiter is her name. I think Evie is jealous of Jupiter since she was used to the only girl in the house. But slowly she's falling in love just like we are. That's all for now journal.

Louis shut his journal and sat back in his chair. Watching the rain fall was a dream. Months ago he was found in a alley way with snow surrounding his abused form. But now he's living in a warm house with a daughter to call his own.

Harry entered the room. Quietly observing his lover. Watching him get lost in thought. Slowly making his way over to him. "Something on your mind" Harry asked. "Time" Louis said. "What about time" Harry said. "How it changes people from bad to good situations like how I was" Louis said. "If it wasn't for time you wouldn't have met me" Harry teased.

"Where's Jupiter" Louis asked. Harry kissed up his neck before answering. "She's asleep...the little angel sleeps for hours" Harry said. "We could sleep" Louis said. "With you wrapped in my arms" Harry said. Louis smiled before getting picked up bridal style.

Harry gently dropped him on the bed they shared. He crawled up next to him laying by his side. Evie being Evie she made her way into the cuddle party. "She was the first to the party...I'm sorry darling" Harry teased. "How will I go on" Louis dramatically said. Kissing Harry's lips gently. Harry deepened the kiss my straddling his legs.

The candle inside Louis burned as he looked up at Harry. He had light in his eyes every moment he kissed him. "We should move" Louis said. "Where's this coming from darling" Harry asked. "We need a new place for Jupiter to grow up in" Louis said. "I can't leave my clients you know this" Harry said.

Louis sighed fuck them clients he thought to himself. "It seems like they're more important to you than me" Louis said. Shocking Harry as he got up from the bed and left. Harry sat alone in the bed to think out what just happened. Harry thought long and hard about what Louis just said and he was right.

"Is he right" Harry said. Looking over at Evie who just looked right back. "If you could speak you would agree with me" Harry said. Evie nodded as she sat on his lap. Evie just listened to her owners ramblings as she slowly slept. "Thanks for listening E" Harry said. Petting his fur baby who wasn't going to let him move.

Was Harry right...
Was Louis being a bit harsh...
Who knows

Shelter from the storm [LARRY STYLINSON]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن