12. A Deal

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"Are you crazy?" I ask, throwing my hands out. 

James only smirks. God, is that all he can do? "Some people do believe me to be crazy," he replies simply.

"Well they're right to think that about you. You're a fucking lunatic if you think I'm calling you that," I spit back, glaring at him. I try to get up but James grabs me, forcing me back into my seat with ease. 

He leans in close, his breath hot against my skin. "I already told you earlier that I don't like being disrespected. Call me crazy one more time, I dare you," he whispers dangerously. 

I swallow as he trails his fingers down my arm. "And if I do?" I ask, even though I know I shouldn't.

James scoffs. "I'll have you on your knees, begging for mercy," he whispers back. "Do you understand?"

The knot in my stomach grows tighter. "Yes," I barely manage to respond. I take in a ragged breath, glancing around the small dining room. Anything to avoid meeting his gaze. 

"Yes what?" James prompts, dragging his thumb along my jawline. 

I shake my head. "No," I reply, trying to take steady breaths. "I won't call you that," I reply. 

With a single finger James tilts my chin in his direction, forcing me to meet his gaze. "You will, or I'll punish you severely for disobedience," he replies, licking his lips. 

I swallow again. "What kind of punishment?" I ask to distract myself from the fact that we're only inches apart. 

James chuckles, brushing a strand of my hair away from my eyes. "I would tell you," he starts, dragging his finger down my cheek. "But that would take all the fun out of it," he adds, sliding his fingers around my neck, gently caressing my skin. "Now, are you going to be good or not?"

I can hardly think, let alone breathe. "Uh...," is all I manage to get out, making James laugh again. 

"Erin, you're not fooling anyone," he whispers into my ear, still trailing his fingers down the back of my neck. "I know you're enjoying this. You just won't admit it to yourself," he adds. 

I shake my head violently. "No, I'm not-," James presses his lips to mine. It's like there's fire coursing through my veins. I don't mean to but I find myself leaning into the kiss. Hungry for more.  Warmth spreads through me. When he finally pulls away I'm almost... disappointed.

"Tell me you didn't enjoy that. Right now. Say it," he prompts, leaning back and folding his arms over his chest as he waits for my response. 

I stare into his gorgeous violet eyes, searching desperately for the words. I open my mouth to speak but no words will come out. He's right. I did enjoy that. And I didn't really mind the first time we kissed, either. What is wrong with me? He's a creep. A creep I antagonized.

"You can't, can you?" He asks, licking his lips again. Lips I wouldn't mind kissing again right now.

I can't deny it. He's right. But it doesn't change the fact that he's stolen me from my family. I let out a heavy sigh before shaking my head. "You're right. I can't deny that I enjoyed that," I reply, hating that I've just given him what he wanted. He smiles wide, sending an icy shiver down my spine.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you've taken me from my family against my will, tormented and harassed me, and you're currently keeping me as your sex slave," I spit back.

"Just because kissing you is enjoyable doesn't mean I want anything to do with you after what you've done!" I spit back, wondering why I agreed to follow his rules in the first place. Oh, right. So that I could try and escape. 

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