13. Terms and Conditions

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A few moments later James and I are back in his room, drawing out the terms and conditions of our agreement.

He has one year to win me over or he'll let me go. All efforts on both sides have to be genuine and cannot be forced or faked in any way. 

I'm supposed to address him as 'Master' at all times unless in the presence of a third party.

I'm also supposed to obey him without question. However, if I'm not comfortable doing something he asks of me, he won't make me do so.

I'm not supposed to attempt escape, and if I do, James is at liberty to punish me as he sees fit.

I am not allowed to leave the Harrington's property unless accompanied by James specifically.

I am supposed to serve James to the best of my ability and in turn he will make sure all my needs are met.

There's a lot more, but those are the basics.

James finishes typing up his last sentence, thinking for a moment before turning back towards me. "Do you want to up the stakes on our little game?" He asks deviously, tapping his slender fingers against the mahogany of his desk.

I narrow my gaze at him. "In what way?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest skeptically.

"If you make it the entire year without falling in love with me, not only will I let you go. I'll officially pardon you so you never have to be a debtor again," he says.

My heart leaps at his words. If a debtor receives a pardon, they're free from debtorship for the rest of their lives. I would be free. Truly free.

"And if I do fall in love with you?" I ask, knowing he's got something sick and twisted up his sleeve.

James smirks. "You have to sign a life contract, so you would actually be mine forever," he replies simply. "And," he adds, pausing as he leans in closer and I can smell his minty breath. "I get to take your virginity," he whispers sensually.

I roll my eyes and sigh, because I was expecting something like this. "You're sick," I retort, contemplating whether to agree to his conditions or not. If I win, I won't ever have to be a debtor again. But if I lose, I'll belong to James Harrington for the rest of my life. 

"I'm persistent," he corrects nonchalantly. 

"You won't try anything unless I lose our agreement?" I ask him, folding my arms over my chest. 

"Scouts' honor," James returns playfully, holding up three fingers. 

I shake my head. "The boy scouts and girl scouts were disbanded fifty years ago," I say matter-of-factly, though I'm sure James knows this. But references to thin mints and eagle scouts are still tossed around every now and then. It's just one of those things that stuck around in our culture.

"I promise we won't have sex unless you lose our game," he says, grinning wildly. "Everything else is still on the table."

"And just what does 'everything else' entail, Master?" I ask skeptically, drawing out the title mockingly. 

James' jaw tightens. "Well, for starters it entails punishing you for your continued disrespect," he says, a glint of anger flashing in his violet eyes. 

I wince, knowing I shouldn't be giving him reasons to punish me now that we're drawing up this contract. I know he'll only give me so many free passes before he decides that my behavior needs to be corrected. "I'm sorry, Master," I apologize, being sincere this time. 

James nods. "That's better," he says. "But to answer your question in the simplest term... sensual foreplay," he whispers seductively, making a knot tighten in my core. 

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