49. Over His Head

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Charles Underly swore violently as the doctor set his broken nose.

"It should heal in a few weeks," the doctor told him optimistically. "How did you say this happened?" He asked, still confused by the story.

Charles attempted to sneer but that hurt too much. "I was beat up by a snot-nosed kid who thinks he owns the world," he snapped in response.

The doctor curled his bottom lip in disgust. "I'm so sorry, sir," he said, handing him two extra strength pain relievers.

Charles swallowed them dry. When he said nothing else, the doctor continued.

"Kids these days, they have no respect for their elders," he added. "Anyways, I hope everything turns out okay."

Charles gave the doctor a rueful grin. "Oh, everything is going to turn out just fine," he replied with a maniacal chuckle. He was so certain of himself that it concerned the doctor.

He got up then and left the ER without being released. When he got back to his penthouse apartment, he decided that it was time to make a call.

The phone rang only once before Elizabeth Harrington answered. "Mr. Underly, what a surprise. Is everything alright?" She asked, wondering why he would be calling her while she was on vacation.

She hadn't heard from James once since she and William had left on their cruise so she assumed that everything was fine. But maybe there had been a reason James hadn't contacted her. Worry swirled in the pit of her stomach as the thought surfaced in her mind.

"That demon you call a son is ruining our project," Charles snapped in response.

Elizabeth sighed. "I know James is difficult to deal with, but he's been through a lot and he's trying his best," she tried to defend. Words she would never have said if James had been in the room.

Charles scoffed. "Trying his best?! Mrs. Harrington, your son is refusing to cooperate with the U.S. government to initiate phase three of Project Ettera. Are you aware that your son has recently gotten romantically involved with a debtor?" He asked.

Elizabeth was silent for a moment. "No, I was not aware," she replied quietly.

Leave it to James to go and fall in love with someone he shouldn't even be associating with, she thought, disappointed in her son.

"He's so wrapped up with her that he's not thinking clearly about anything else. He told her confidential information about Project Ettera. He's disrespectful and intolerable! He ignores my phone calls and my nose is broken because of him!" He snapped indignantly.

Elizabeth sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose the same way James did when he needed to calm his nerves. Of course he would get into a fight with a government official.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Underly. What can I do to rectify this situation?" She asked. She was going to have a very serious talk with James when she got home.

Charles explained the situation with Project Ettera to Elizabeth. "He won't even try to see where the government is coming from," he added in exasperation.

"So, he refused to initiate phase three?" She confirmed.

"That's right," Charles replied dutifully.

Elizabeth let out a deep breath. "I am still CEO of the company, so I will have permission sent over in a few days. Everything will go forward exactly as planned," she replied carefully.

Charles beamed. "Thank you, Mrs. Harrington," he said smugly. That brat would see soon enough who was really in charge.

"As long as you agree- in writing- not to press charges against my son," Elizabeth added.

"I suppose that's fair," Charles replied, a little grudgingly.

"Thank you, Mr. Underly. Have a nice day."

As Charles hung up the phone, a wicked smile cracked across his wrinkled lips. They would administer the first dose of the serum to all debtors as planned, and when James saw how obedient Erin was to him under the influence of the serum, he would realize that he was wrong and that he should have agreed all along.

James would see the truth.

Debtors weren't supposed to speak out of turn, or want things like freedom, or dreams, or careers. They were supposed to eagerly serve their patrons, and if they couldn't find the joy and fulfillment in that on their own, then the government would help them find it.

Soon, everything would be as it was supposed to be.

A/N: Sooooooo, yeah... an interesting chapter here lol. Anyways, I hope you're all still enjoying the story! 🤍

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