2. Coffee Shop

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I'm standing in line at the coffee shop and It's almost my turn to order. I'm out, assisting Mrs. Dalton in preparing for a party she and Mr. Dalton are hosting this Friday and she wanted coffee, so guess who got stuck in the long-ass line to wait for it? Yup. I did.

The barista is just about to usher me up to the counter when some swagtastic pretty boy walks right up to the counter without waiting in line. Groans and sighs come from all the customers behind me as they notice that someone has cut in line.

Mister bad boy slams his hands down on the counter, effectively silencing all the protesting customers and then he proceeds to place his order. The barista is so terrified that she can't even stand up to him and instead nods and starts making his order.

At this point I'm furious, and when I get mad I lose control of my mouth.

"You arrogant bastard," I mumble. I don't mean for him to hear me, but he does because he freezes and slowly turns towards me, folding his arms over his chest. He steps towards me, a devilish smirk spread across his lips.

"You wanna say that again?" He asks, backing me up against the wall. I stare up at him, frozen with fear.

He's So tall he's got to be at least 6'3" and his black pompadour has got to add at least an extra two inches. He's got the most mischievous, gorgeous violet eyes I've ever seen and the world's most sinister grin to go along with them. His cheekbones are so sharp I could probably cut myself on them. Wait, what?!

"I asked you a question, slave," the bad boy snaps, pulling me from my thoughts. When I don't answer he slams his hand against the wall, right next to my head, making me jump.

"You wanna say that again?" He repeats, taking far too much pleasure in intimidating me. My mind is telling me to shake my head, to back down and leave it alone. But my heart is pulling me in a different direction and like an idiot, I nod my head.


"Really?" I ask the timid little debtor in front of me. She's so scared she's shaking.

"That's dangerous territory, slave," I reply.

"Stop calling me a slave. The proper term is debtor!" She snaps back.

"You're a slave just the same. And you're not supposed to correct your superiors, "I lean forward, getting in her face, "slave." I draw the word out, watching as her anger starts to boil over.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" I ask. She glares at me.

"You're the matter! You cut in front of everyone who had been waiting for a long time to get their coffee," she says. I shrug, taking a step back from her.

"As if I care," I say, nonchalantly.

"You're such an asshole!" She spits, slamming her hand against my chest. She seems unimpressed when I don't even flinch.

"Excuse me?" I say, my words laced with warning as I grab her wrist, pulling her hand from my chest.

"You heard me. You're. An. Asshole," She replies. I grip her chin, getting in her face.

"You're walking on a very fine line, slave. If you belonged to me, I'd teach you quite the lesson right here, in front of all these people," I state in a low, dangerous tone. Then I lean forward.

"And you would be completely humiliated," I whisper in her ear, making her shiver. She pulls herself away from me.

"Well, you don't own me, so that will never happen," she spits back, pulling her face from my fingers. I let out a condescending laugh.

"Are you sure about that, slave?" I ask seductively.

"I hate you!" She spits, her cheeks bright red.

"You're so cute when you're angry," I retort, brushing my fingers against her warm cheek. She flinches.

"Let go of me!" She spits, trying to pull her wrist from my grasp.

"Not until you apologize," I reply simply, tightening my grasp on her wrist.

"I will never apologize to you!" She hisses.

"It's the law, sweetheart. You have to apologize to me," I state matter-of-factly. But she remains silent.

"Do it," I snap, growing impatient.

"Never," she spits back, equally frustrated.

"I can report you," I threaten, which makes her cringe.

The door clicks open and a middle aged woman steps inside, looking angry. I recognize her as Leora Dalton, one of my mother's friends.

"Erin! What is going on?!" She snaps at the adorable slave I've been harassing.

"She called me an arrogant bastard. And an asshole," I say. Leora's eyes get wide before she turns to glare at Erin.

"Erin! What is wrong with you?!" She spits.

"He cut in front of everyone instead of waiting his turn," Erin explains quietly.

"I don't care. Apologize to James right this instant!" Leora snaps. Erin glances from Mrs. Dalton to me, remaining silent.

"Erin. Apologize." Leora repeats through gritted teeth. Erin lets out a deep sigh before turning to me.

"I'm sorry for calling you names and for arguing with you," she half whispers, looking defeated.

"That is not a proper apology," Leora spits, slapping Erin's shoulder making her flinch. When Erin says nothing Leora rolls her eyes before glaring at her.

"Just go order my coffee," Leora orders, and Erin obeys, going to stand in the now almost nonexistent line.

"I'm sorry, James, dear. She's quite the rebellious one," Leora explains, turning to me.

"I can see that," I return with a bit of a laugh.

"it doesn't matter how much I discipline her; she still acts out," Leora replies, shaking her head.

"People like Erin need a special kind of discipline. Believe me, I've seen her type a lot. What she needs is more... loving discipline. More structure, if you know what I mean," I state with a wicked smile.

"I know exactly what you mean. I just don't know how to get her to listen to me," Leora returns.

"You seem exasperated by her," I say.

"Oh, believe me. I am," she replies.

"You know, I've been really lonely as of late, and I need a companion. I could... I mean, maybe working for someone else would be good for her. a change of scenery might calm her rebellious spirit," I say.

"I'm sure. But I don't know how she would take getting separated from her brother," Leora replies hesitantly.

"Our families have been friends for a long time. I'm sure they'd still get to see each other."

"That's true. Why don't we meet sometime next week and discuss this in more detail," she suggests. I nod.

"Of course," I agree as Erin comes back, handing Leora her coffee. She then turns to me, handing me my coffee.

"It was getting cold," she says, staring down at her shoes. Perhaps her subtle way of apologizing for her naughty behavior.

"Thank you, Erin," I reply, slightly surprised. I'm starting to see how she would make a fantastic companion.

"It was nice talking with you. Will you be attending our party on Friday?" Leora asks me. I nod, glancing at Erin who seems very nervous, and still angry.

"Of course. I would never miss one of your parties," I reply.

"Wonderful! I'll see you then," Leora says before turning to leave. Erin follows her, glancing back at me angrily as she exits the coffee shop. I watch her turn the corner, thinking to myself that she's going to be mine. Because no one disrespects me and gets away with it.

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