16. Punishment

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When James came back to the salon, I made sure he was well aware of how I felt about what he'd done to me. I'm sure he expected that I would be angry, but I don't think he was expecting me to slap him in the face. After that he practically dragged me out to his car.

We're driving back and every time he tries to say something to me I promptly interrupt him with an angry 'fuck off'. I know I'm only setting myself up for more trouble, but I don't care. He didn't have to force me into that.

James' knuckles are white against the steering wheel as he drives and I'm sitting in the passenger seat with my arms folded over my chest, waiting for him to try and speak so I can tell him to fuck off again. James slows down at a stop light, glancing over at me but I pretend not to notice.

When we arrive back at the Harrington's property, James turns to me. "Get out," he starts, his jaw clenched in anger. "And if you tell me to fuck off one more time, you're seriously going to regret it," he snaps, his words dark and threatening.

I slowly lift my gaze to his, before unbuckling my seat belt. James opens his door and steps out. I do the same, but once I'm out of the car, I dart towards the gates. He's on me in an instant, wrapping his arms around my waist, yanking me back against him.

"I can promise you that this will be the last time you attempt to run from me," James tells me, his words dripping with anger.

I try to push myself free from his grasp but he doesn't even flinch. "Let me go!" I beg, still trying to wriggle free.

"Absolutely not," James replies dangerously. "I've let you get away with quite a bit in the last two days, but I draw the line here. You need to be taught a lesson, you naughty, rebellious little slave," he replies. His words are so dark and seductive, they send a shiver crawling down my spine.

I'm so terrified, I'm literally shaking. Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have slapped him, but I'm terrible at containing my anger in general, and I'm even worse at doing so when James is the one antagonizing me.

He grips my upper arm roughly, pulling me towards the entrance to the mansion. "I think you should know by now that I don't take lightly to being disrespected, and especially not in public," he hisses as he opens the front door, pulling me inside.

Even though I know it's a useless endeavor, and it will only piss him off more, I continue to struggle against his grasp, trying to get free. James grips my arm even tighter, roughly forcing me further inside.

"Stop struggling. You brought this on yourself and you know it," he growls in my ear, his breath hot against my skin.

Something dark inside makes me obey him. My heart is pounding in my chest as James leads me up the stairs. When we reach his room, a wave of panic crashes over me and I start to wonder if I shouldn't have tried to fight him earlier. It's too late for that now. I contemplate apologizing, but if I know James, I know it won't help my situation. He's going to punish me regardless.

Once the door is closed, he finally lets me go, confirming my suspicions from last night that I can't leave his room unless he lets me.
I watch as he stalks across the room, pulling two things out of a drawer: a rope and a riding crop.

He's going to tie me up and beat the shit out of me. My first thought is that I should run; go lock myself in the bathroom. But I can't move. I'm frozen with fear. My second thought, on the other hand...

"Remove your shirt," James says, stepping back over to me.

"No," I reply weakly.

"Did you just tell me no?" He asks me, and if I didn't know better I'd think he was amused. But I do know better, and I know he's pissed.

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