15. Shopping

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James takes me to the most amazing store I've ever been to. Okay. To clarify, I've only ever been sent off to the grocery store, and then I've been to maybe two other stores with Mrs. Dalton on different occasions. And they were average stores. This... this isn't a store, it's a goddamn retail palace.

They have a valet to park your car for you, and there are security guards at the entrance, turning people away. I'm assuming not just anyone is allowed here. The guards didn't even stop us though, they just waved James through. I follow him up to the entrance, feeling a little unsettled.

When we step inside I gasp in surprise, glancing up. Floor after floor of clothing and housewares are above us. Layer after layer of opulence all stacked on top of each other and crowned with an intricate stained glass ceiling at least twenty stories above us that lets in the bright sunlight. It's like a high-rise hotel with a courtyard in the middle. Except it's a shopping mall. For the exceptionally wealthy.

"Uh, Master," I ask absently, following James towards an elevator. But my gaze is still taking in the opulence of this place.

"Yes, Erin?" He asks in amusement.

"Why are we here?" I ask him.

He glances over his shoulder at me, smirking. "Because you need clothes," he replies simply.

"Well, yeah but I didn't think-."

James stops and turns to face me. "What? Were you expecting me to take you to a local thrift store or something?" He asks in disbelief.

Yes, I realize. That had been what I was expecting. When the Daltons did have to buy something for one of us, they were always keen on paying as little as possible for it. The Daltons have a lot of money, but they would rather watch it burn than spend it on our kind. "Well, I wasn't expecting this," I admit, throwing my arms out.

James shakes his head, still smirking down at me. "Erin, dear little slave, I am a member of the wealthiest family in the world. The money I could spend here in a day is pocket change to me," he explains. "And I won't have my slave dressing in ratty jeans and oversized t-shirts."

I stare down at my flats, feeling a little embarrassed for even saying something. "The Daltons never cared how we presented ourselves," I say quietly. I'm not really sure why I'm telling him this, but the words just come out before I can stop them. "And they didn't care to buy us new clothes, no matter how badly we might have needed them," I add.

James scoffs. "The Daltons are peasants compared to me. They're selfish, and I know they treated you terribly," he adds, tilting my chin up to meet his gaze.

I nod, trying to hold back my tears. Bringing up the Daltons has also reminded me of how much I miss my brother. I shove the thought back down because I don't want to dissolve into tears right here in front of all these rich people. Least of all, James.

A woman with a gold name tag steps over to us, greeting James as if they're old friends. Then, she turns to me.

"This is Erin," James introduces and the woman nods, smiling at me.

"My name is Natalia. It's nice to meet you, Erin," she greets.

"It's nice to meet you too," I reply, trying to give her a friendly smile.

"I take it you'll be accompanying Mr. Harrington often?" She asks me.

Once again, I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. Mr. Harrington. The way she says his name too, as if he's a fucking god. I swear, I hate rich people.

James nods, answering her for me.

Natalia clasps her hands together. "Splendid! I'll add you to the list," she tells me before hurrying off.

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