29. Visit

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I take the stairs up to the front door slowly, hoping James was right about Adrian and Leora not being home. I'd like to avoid seeing them if I can. I glance around the property before I finally get up the courage to ring the door bell.

It takes a few minutes but then I hear the distant sound of footsteps on the other side of the door before the lock unclicks and the door swings open. Thomas is standing in front of me, his surprise evident on his face.

"Erin? What are you doing here?" He asks, stepping aside to let me in.

I smile at him. "Hello, Thomas. I just came to see my friends," I explain.

Thomas pulls me into a hug. "Fuck, we missed you."

"I missed you too," I reply, pulling away.

Thomas glances over his shoulder, calling to the others. A few moments later everyone emerges from down the hall, all of them shocked to see me.

"Erin!" Adelaide exclaims as she throws her arms around me. A few seconds later, my brother pulls her away from me, crushing me in a tight embrace.

"I was beginning to think he wasn't going to let you see us," Toby says.

"He's not that cruel," I reply quietly. I mean for the statement to come across as a joke but my brother stiffens and pulls away a little, giving me a pointed look.

I fidget uncomfortably under his gaze for a moment before shrugging out of his grasp, hugging Keary instead.

"I missed you," she says, tears in her eyes.

I stroke her messy blond hair, smiling down at the eleven-year-old.

"I missed you too," I tell her. Keary has been working for the Daltons for three years now and she's practically a little sister to all of us.

"Well, shit," Martin states in his gruff voice. "It's damn fucking nice to see you again, Gingersnap," he adds with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes at the childhood nickname, recalling the first day Toby and I showed up here. I was teary-eyed with my red hair a tangled mess, clinging to my brother for dear life.

Martin was trying to get me to stop crying and he called me a little Gingersnap because of my hair. Not in a creepy way, but in an endearing, grandfatherly sort of way. The nickname just stuck. I don't think he's ever called me by my name.

I laugh as I give him a half hug. "It's nice to see you too, Martin," I reply before glancing around at the people I consider my family. "God, I missed you guys," I state, tears welling up in my eyes.

"We missed you too," Adelaide replies, taking my hand in hers. "Come on," she says, pulling me towards the dining room. Everyone else follows and we all sit down at the table.

Adelaide grabs six coffee cups, setting them out in front of our seats, proceeding to pour everyone coffee starting with Thomas. When she gets to me I shake my head.

"Uh, that's okay," I reply nervously. "I don't want coffee," I tell her, trying not to let my nervous laughter escape my throat.

Adelaide gives me a confused look. "When have you ever turned down a cup of coffee?" She asks me.

Never. I've never turned down coffee and if I don't drink it now, they'll all think something is wrong. But if I do, James is probably going to take the riding crop to my back again if he finds out. Or worse.

When I don't answer, Toby clears his throat, getting my attention. "Erin, he does let you drink coffee, right?" He asks, folding his arms over his chest.

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