52. Getting Ready

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After I have recovered from James' 'uncontrollable sexual urges', he takes me shopping, but he doesn't take me to the same place as last time. He takes me to a store with so many exquisite dresses and gowns it makes my head spin. Rack after rack of lace and tulle and taffeta, all separated by size, color, and then shade. They must have dresses in every single hue visible to the naked human eye here.

I could probably even find a gown in the oh-so-lovely shade of shit-stained concrete if I looked hard enough.

How am I ever going to find something to wear?

"Where do I even start?" I ask absently, staring at the rainbow of fabrics before me. This... is overwhelming. "And how do you even know about this place?" I ask James, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"I don't think you would have much use for a ball gown." I shoot him a teasing smile.

He chuckles. "I didn't know about it until I messaged Emily and asked her for dress shop recommendations about thirty minutes ago," he replies with a shrug.

That makes sense. "Maybe I should start with size first," I murmur to myself, starting in the direction of the section marked with my size.

"Is there a specific color I should be wearing tonight?" I ask James as he follows me over.

"No, but you and I have to match," he tells me. "So what you choose will directly affect what I wear, and for the love of god, Erin, if you choose something pink-."

"I won't," I assure him, stifling my laughter. "But why do we have to match?" I persist. That seems like a strange guideline to work with.

"There was something about couples having to match on the invitation I received a few weeks ago," he replies, a hint of irritation slipping into his words.

It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that we're a couple. We're together. I touch the little heart pendant James gave me earlier. I am his.

I give a slight nod. "What color would you prefer I wear?" I ask, because I don't want him to end up in a bad mood because he was forced to wear a pink neck tie or something.

He stares down at me with those beautiful violet eyes and I can see the lust burning within them. "Blue. You look amazing in blue," he replies, caressing my chin. "It brings out your eyes."

I blush from his compliment. "Thank you, Master."

"Not to mention, it won't kill me to wear blue for one evening. Pink, on the other hand...," he adds, cringing dramatically just to make me laugh.

I smile up at him. "Blue it is, then," I agree, turning towards the endless racks of blue gowns.

"You start looking, I'm going to find the bathroom," James tells me before starting off in search of the bathrooms.

I smile as I watch him walk away before returning my attention to this massive task of picking a gown for the Governor's birthday party. With a sigh, I begin riffling through the gowns when someone clears their throat behind me.

I jump, turning to find an elderly woman dressed in all black behind me, her arms folded over her chest in disapproval.

"Who let you in here?" She barks, glancing down at my debtor's mark.

I wince. "Oh," I stutter, trying to gather my thoughts. But I notice James coming up behind the dress shop employee. "I was just-."

"You need to leave right this instant! I will not have your-."

"Is there a problem?"

She turns towards James, looking flustered. "Yes, this-." She drops her sentence, realizing who she's talking to.

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