35. Party

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When we get back home, James turns to me, smirking. "Are you ready for your last surprise?" He asks me.

"There's another one?" I ask in shock. I thought that was all of them. James really outdid himself for my birthday.

He nods. "I've saved the best for last," he adds, unbuckling his seat belt. I do the same and we head up the steps to the front doors, stepping inside. Instead of going upstairs, or even to the dining room, James leads me to the ballroom.

"Happy birthday, Erin!"

I stumble backwards and James catches me, laughing.

I hadn't been expecting everyone to greet me like that. I guess that's why it's a surprise.

"Thank you," I say as I regain my composure. I'm touched that the others would do this for me.

"We had to surprise you on your birthday."

I turn to find my brother standing there, along with Adelaide, Thomas, Keiry and Martin. I haven't seen any of them since the day I visited them over a month ago. I run to them, hugging my brother first, and then all my friends.

"I can't believe you guys are here," I say, smiling at them. Then I turn towards Anna and the others, hugging her first, then Elias, Henry, Marietta, Ivy, Illa, and finally Charlie. I avoid giving Dalia, the cook, a hug but I tell her thank you. She still doesn't like me but at least we're civil to each other now.

Emily, Julietta, Daniel, and Kylie are all here, too, standing towards the back of the group. I smile at them.

And then I see another person standing off to the side, observing the festivities from a distance. Mr. Brewer. What the fuck is he doing here?

Now that they've greeted me, everyone dispurses, gathering into groups of twos and threes as they hold conversations.

James gives my hand a squeeze and then he wanders off to speak with his friends. But I can't pull my eyes from Mr. Brewer. Every time he's showed up in my life, he has been the bearer of bad news and the very sight of him makes my stomach twist with dread.

He notices me watching him and he gives me a smile as he steps forward. "Don't worry, miss Ricoletti. I'm not here to crash your birthday party or deliver bad news. The law states that a representative from the Court of Debts must be present any time there is a gathering of fifteen or more debtors in a private space in order to prevent insurgency," he tells me dutifully.

I count everyone out, including myself, before furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "But there are only fourteen of us here," I reply, hoping to get rid of him.

Mr. Brewer shakes his head. "You might not be aware, but Kylie Westfield is also a debtor," he informs me.

I've seen Kylie on several occasions, though she's very shy and she doesn't speak much. Still, how have I never realized that she was a debtor before? Of course, one of James' closest friends would also be keeping a debtor for companionship. Maybe that's why she's so quiet.

"Oh," I say absently.

"How are you adjusting to working for Mr. Harrington?" He asks me.

"Uh... I like my position here," I reply nervously. I'm not really sure how to answer that question. At least, not when speaking to someone who works for the court of debts.

Mr. Brewer smiles wider. "That's wonderful to hear," he says, adjusting his suit jacket. "I knew he'd be able to straighten you out."

"Well, thank you," I tell him through gritted teeth, turning away from him before I punch his pretty face in.

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