39. Sinister Plans

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I agreed to meet with Mr. Underly this afternoon to discuss Project Ettera and I'm not happy about it. The last thing I want to do is listen to his plans to keep debtors compliant, but I have no choice.

When my mother gets back from vacation I'm taking six months off!

With a heavy sigh, I open the door to the Department of Citizen Resources and Wellfare building. Portenville happens to be the headquarters for most government operations, and of course I just had to get sent here of all places.

"Good morning, sir," the young receptionist greets chipperly from her seat at the desk. "How may I help you?" She asks.

I put on a fake smile. "I have an appointment with Mr. Underly," I tell her.

"Name?" She asks, smiling at me.

"James Harrington," I reply dryly, knowing perfectly well what's coming.

Her eyes widen in realization.

Oh god.

"You're James Harrington?!"

"Yes." I draw the word out, not bothering to hide my irritation. Here we go again.

She lets out a little scream.

I roll my eyes.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir!" She squeals.

"I'm sure I can't say the same," I retort but she doesn't seem to hear me.

She begins rambling on and on about much she loves Persona Industries and the services we provide the world.

Jesus Christ! What is wrong with these pathetic fangirls?! I don't have time for this.

She's about to start in with the typical 'you've made the world a safer place' speech but I cut her off, slamming my hands down on her desk.

Startled, she immediately shuts up, staring at me in surprise.

"I am here to speak to Mr. Underly, not to listen to you senselessly ramble on about my family's accomplishments!" I hiss at her.

She looks like she's about to cry. Good. "Oh um, right away, sir," she murmurs softly before checking something on her computer.

"He'll see you now," she tells me.

"Thank you," I spit at her before heading towards the double doors on the other end of the room.

"Will you-."

"I know where Mr. Underly's office is," I reply, not looking back at her. I refuse to let her waste anymore of my time.

I head down to the office at the end of the hall, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves before I pull the smooth stainless steel handle, letting myself into his office.

Mr. Underly seems a little surprised. "Oh. James. I didn't realize you were here," he says, closing down whatever spreadsheet he had open on his computer screen.

I take the seat across from him without being asked, and the corner of his mouth twitches in annoyance.


"How has your stay in Portenville been so far?" He asks me.

"Long, and painful. I'm very much looking forward to returning home," I reply dryly.

"I can imagine," he says.

"How is the experiment going so far?" I ask, partly to cut to the chase, and partly because I need to know if Erin's record will be cleared or not.

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