55. Tunnel

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Everything turns to chaos in an instant. Security guards seem to come out of nowhere, ushering the Governor and his wife to safety while others begin directing the rest of us to the front of the mansion.

People are screaming and crying, or trying to push past the exodus of people to find their loved ones.

Flames lick the walls, filling the room with thick black smoke that makes it hard to see.

I'm in too much shock to think or even move. What is happening? I watch the crowd absently for a moment until James takes my hand, pulling me towards the exit with him.

This shakes me from my trance and I glance towards him as we run. "What's going on?" I ask, panic slipping into my voice. Though I doubt he has any clue.

James huffs out a frustrated breath. "I have no clue but it's likely an attack from the A.E.D.P.," he gasps out between breaths.

That's why Kendra smirked at me earlier. She knew what was about to take place here tonight. All of my doubt from earlier melts away and I am reminded once again just how cruel the rebels really are. No. I never would have agreed to help them, not even if I had known Kendra's past.

In the distance I can hear sirens wailing. Hopefully the authorities and firefighters will be here soon.

"Everyone make your way towards the exits! Leave all personal belongings behind!" The security guards shout over the chaos as we all fight our way towards the exit.

I hear the sound of creaking wood above us and I know the second floor is going to come crashing down soon.
I try to push forward but there are too many people trying to leave. We'll never get outside in time.

"The ceiling is going to collapse on us!" I shout to James over the noise of the crowd.

He glances up as if confirming my words, before glancing behind us. He thinks for a moment before pulling me back the other way. "I have an idea," he says, avoiding the security guards and leading me down an empty hallway.

"Where are we going?" I gasp between breaths. My lungs are burning, whether from the smoke or from running I'm not sure. Maybe both.

"There's a secret door that leads to an escape tunnel and out to the gardens," he says, his breaths ragged.

The creaking grows louder and we push ourselves to run faster. I didn't see Emily, Julietta, Danny, or Kylie in the crowd. I hope they made it out safely. I hope everyone makes it to safety.

"What if Kendra knows about it and blocked it off?" I ask him.

"She wasn't with us when we found it, so it's not likely she knows about it. It's probably the exit route the security guards escorted the Governor and his wife to," he replies, gasping for air.

James stops in front of a mirror, letting go of my hand to tear it from the wall. He drops it and the glass shatters into a million tiny pieces, skittering across the marble floors.

Sure enough, there's a secret tunnel hidden behind it. It's dimly lit by tube lights running along the ceiling of the tunnel. This tunnel could lead anywhere.

"You first," James says, offering me his hand to help me up.

It's eerie and dark and smells of mildew. "I... I'm scared," I admit softly, tears threatening to spill out. Tonight was not supposed to go like this.

James rubs his thumb across the back of my hand soothingly. "I know you're scared but it's going to be okay. We have to hurry," he coaxes, glancing up briefly.

I nod, forcing myself onto the ledge. Once I'm inside, I turn back to James. He's about to climb up into the tunnel after me, but that's when the second explosion goes off, sending James flying backwards.

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